Bricx Command Center 3.3 History

Enhancements (in reverse chronological order)
version includes NBC 1.2.1.r4.
Fixed reported problem with saving to non BMP file types from NXT Screen tool.
Fixed a problem with the internal compiler when connected via bluetooth.
HTML help fix (unable to load hhctrl.ocx).
Added text viewer.
Added manual loading of symbol file in watch and new watch tools.
Added hot keys for close comm and find brick.
Added support for user-defined API functions in code completion.
Modified firmware download so that it allows more time for brick to boot in SAMBA mode.
Added symbol file library path and exposed it and UserDataLocalPath in preferences.
Loading symbol file manually in watch tools.
AVI movie changes in NXT Screen tool.
ROPS improvements.
New variable watch tool classes.
Variable watching changes.
More NXT Watch list changes.
ROPS debug support change.
Added status messages for compiler download problems.
Added additional keyboard support to Joystick tool.
ctrl-click changes in the editor.
version includes NBC 1.2.1.r3.
HTML help is now the default and in order to use Win32 help a manual registry edit is required.
Automatic firmware version option is now on by default, as is NXT 2.0 and Enhanced Firmware.
HTML help for NQC, NBC, and NXC completed.
Automatic firmware version option also now checks enhanced vs standard firmware.
Code listing window has goto-line and status bar.
Added ability to edit the editor expert and the grep search shortcuts.
Added automatic firmware version number when compiling NBC/NXC code.
Allow long lines in the code listing window (up to 8192 characters).
Version adds a simple hex viewer for files on the NXT.
Adds AVI video capture to the NXT Screen tool.
Adds support for \" or \' in NXC and NBC strings to the NBC and NXC syntax highlighters.
Fixes an access violation when closing the main window while unsaved changes
exist in open editor windows and you choose "cancel" when prompted to
save your changes.
Fixes NXTDeviceInfo function in TSpirit class for the bluetooth address value.
Fixes broken defragment operation in the NXT Explorer.
Fixes SendMessage boolean NXT message bug (inverted logic).
Adds support for custom NXC API syntax highlighting.
Adds support for a new NBC command-line switch limiting errors to max error count.
Adds support for new NBC -v=version command line switch for setting NXT firmware
version (1.0x vs 1.2x) compatibility.
Adds duplicate error reduction code to error list.
Fixs NXT Explorer defragment operation.
Adds code completion and syntax highlighter support for new NBC/NXC API functions.
Improves the error list tool at the bottom of the editor window to open other files if
the error/warning occurs in an included file and show a hint window as you mouse
over the errors/warnings.
Adds support for adjusting line numbers if the Gutter is configured to start
numbering lines at zero instead of 1 and line numbers are showing.
Adds a /UserPath command line switch for BricxCC that controls where the nxt.dat
file and other user files are stored (e.g., bricxcc /UserPath=d:\)
Adds pause/single step, NBC/NXC variable watching.
Adds support for drag-and-drop from NXT Explorer PC list view to BricxCC main window
to open files.
Code completion can be made case sensitive or not for NQC, NBC, and NXC.
User-defined functions are added to code completion list
Fixes for NBC compiler error reporting.
Adds internal NBC compiler status update messages.
Launch Guide and Tutorial PDFs from BricxCC help menu.
Launch NBC API listing windows from Preferences dialog.
Fixes bug causing unsaved changes to be lost if you click Cancel when prompted to
save changes.
Adds visual indication of progress while initializing nxt.dat file
Adds Search option to list of Ports on Find Brick dialog - only applies to NXT brick type
Adds grep search feature from GExperts (Shift+Alt+S and Ctrl+Alt+R)
Adds editor experts: block comment/uncomment (Ctrl+Alt+Period/Comma),
align lines (Ctrl+Alt+End), previous/next identifier (Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down), and
Reverse statements (Ctrl+Alt+Home).
Version fixes some several things that I can't remember any more. Sorry about that. It also
fixes syntax highlighting for a few NBC and NXC API functions.
Version fixes some typo bugs in the NBC/NXC math API functions that were
accidentally introduced in the previous version.
Version has added more support for the new NXT programmable brick.
BricxCC now includes full help for NBC and NXC built into the IDE. It also now has
a built-in version of the beta 33 NBC compiler which makes downloading via Bluetooth
many times faster than using the external compiler. It supports RICScript which is
a programming language for writing NXT pictures (.ric files).
Version has added a huge amount of support for the new NXT programmable brick.
BricxCC now supports programming the NXT using the new Not eXactly C programming language
and it includes the latest NBC/NXC compiler in the installer.
The editor supports syntax highlighting and code completion for the NXC
language. Templates have been added for the NXC and NBC languages. The template window is now
a dockable treeview. Templates may be entered in the editor window via single click,
double click, or drag-and-drop as the user prefers. The new NXT Explorer window provides
drag-and-drop copying of files to and from the NXT. BricxCC now integrates with the NBC
Debugger via the Compile menu. Download the NBC Debugger from
Version has a revised Find Brick dialog as well as a new menu and toolbar look
and feel. It adds preliminary support for the new NXT programmable brick.
The Diagnostic tool, the Brick Piano tool, and the MIDI Conversion tool all work with
the NXT but the remaining tools have yet to be converted. BricxCC supports programming
the NXT using the new NeXT Byte Codes language and it includes the latest NBC compiler
in the installer. The editor supports syntax highlighting and code completion for the NBC
language. This version also fixes a bug in the serial port communication routines which
was introduced in the previous release. Standard
NXT executables can be decompiled in BricxCC by dragging and dropping them on the BricxCC window
or by opening the files using the Open dialog.
Version has a revised help system (not complete).
It adds support for the new Swan firmware (not complete).
It now supports tabbed windows in addition to the old MDI mode for editor windows.
The customizable Tools menu has been enhanced to allow waiting for the executing program
to finish and closing/reopening the communication port.
It now supports XP themes.
The data analysis dialog lets you add series to the graph which are calculated as a function
of other series.
It has additional preference settings for tweaking the firmware download process.
Version adds a Spybot EEPROM tool window.
It adds a new configurable watch tool window.
It adds a new generic set source value tool window.
It adds a hot key (F2) for the pbForth console.
The position of the 3 new tool windows and the pbForth console are now saved to and
loaded from the registry.
The built-in help system has been updated to include documentation of the new NQC Spybotics API.
The new NQC 3.0b1 keywords, constants, and commands are included. Click the Default button
on the NQC API tab of the Preferences dialog to update your installation.
Version adds fast firmware download support when using the USB tower.
It adds support for compiling and downloading leJOS (Java) programs.
Existing code parsing support for Java is improved.
It adds a pbForth console.
It adds code parsing support for Forth to the code explorer and procedure list windows.
pbForth scripts can be downloaded either from the console or the normal download button
(unfortunately, this feature is not quite perfect at this point).
It adds to the distribution a command-line program called RCXTool.exe which can be used
for lots of useful things. From a command prompt type RCXTool -help for details.
The Memory Map tool window is updated to allow viewing pointers in hexidecimal and the
Spybot map is actually correct now. It has improved Spybot support in various other places.
It ships with an enhanced unofficial Spybot NQC API header file called spy.nqh (in the root directory).
MindScript and LASM help is integrated into the IDE if you have the latest Mindstorms SDK installed.
MindScript syntax highlighting now handles the comment keyword better (block string support).
This release also adds extensive integrated help files for brickOS, leJOS, and pbForth.
It also fixes a problem with firmware download via the serial tower in slow mode.
And it fixes a bug with firmware download which would corrupt some alternate firmwares.
Version Adds to the Clear Memory function so that it now clears all five program slots (it used to leave slot 1 untouched).
It adds support for running in large fonts mode.
It also fixes the MDI merge menu and disabled close button problems that have been around for a long time.
It fixes two bugs with the copy to clipboard function on the Analysis graph.
Version Enhances editing of large files. If you thought editing large files
was slow in BricxCC you may want to try this new release. It is now significantly faster. Users with low-end
machines may see a speed increase even with smaller files.
The Procedure List feature (Ctrl+Shift+G) additionally supports Java source code.
Version Adds support for the code explorer when syntax highlighting is turned off.
Desktop files now store the firmware type and restore it when a desktop is loaded (i.e., when you open a file with
an associated desktop file).
The Searching for the brick dialog now has an "Other" firmware type to make lesser known non-standard
firmwares feel included.
It also fixes a problem where opening a file with an associated desktop file (same path and filename but
with a .dsk extension) took a very long time.
Version adds .nqh as an NQC file extension.
Music saved from the Brick Piano can now be in NQC, MindScript, LASM, pbForth, leJOS, and brickOS C or Pascal code.
Compiler warnings and linker errors from the brickOS compiler are now handled.
Users can query for the version of the NQC (2.5a5 and above) & LCC compiler (from the Preferences dialog).
MindScript LASM output is now available in the Code/Error listing window (requires SDK 2.5).
The MindScript and LASM compiler error position calculation is also vastly improved if you use SDK 2.5.
The output of the MIDI conversion feature also now includes pbForth and leJOS.
The code editor window can now show something called "structure lines" in a user-configurable color.
These lines show matching brace nesting levels. It is supported in NQC, MindScript, Java, and C/C++. See the
Editor tab of the Preferences dialog for the new color selection combobox. To turn off the structure lines
you select the color "clNone" (which is the default value).
The Find Brick dialog now uses radio buttons for selecting the firmware type.
The Code/Error listing window can be set to "stay on top" via the right-click context menu.
The Joystick tool window now supports moving the robot via the regular numeric keys along the top of
the keyboard. These keys act in a "sticky" fashion (i.e., the robot keeps moving after the key is released).
It fixes a bug in the Brick Piano (introduced in the previous version) which made it impossible to save
the music to a file or to the clipboard.
It fixes an access violation when trying to compile a file without an extension.
Version The menus and toolbars have been completely revamped using Actions.
A couple new toolbar buttons have been added. A new option to lock toolbars in their default positions
has been added to the Preferences dialog. This option defaults to true, so if you want to rearrange your toolbars
you will need to turn off this option.
If the brick type is RCX2 the display can now be set to User Select and any source can be chosen.
The Brick Piano can now be transposed through 8 octaves. It also allows for customizing the note and wait times.
A new MIDI conversion feature has been added to the Tools menu. It can generate NQC, MindScript, LASM, and
brickOS C or Pascal code either to a file or to the clipboard.
Users can suspend adding keyboard macros to the macro library (see View/Macro Library).
All 8 brickOS program slots are now supported. This release includes regular expression support in Find and Replace.
Users can now set the hot key for code completion, parameter hints, macro record, and macro playback via the Preferences dialog.
This release adds support for setting the RCX LNP Host address (dll -n#). Associated with this is support for selecting
the address and port to use when downloading a brickOS program (dll -r# -s#).
It fixes several minor bugs. LASM compilation had been broken but it is fixed in this release.
Problems in the Diagnostic window when trying to set the display to a variable are fixed.
Version adds the reporting of GNU compiler errors and warnings in the same manner as the
NQC and MindScript compilers. It adds support for a simple project file mechanism that allows building
a brickOS program comprised of multiple source files (all residing in the same directory). See
View/Project Manager to add files to the project defined by the currently active source file. This release
also enhances significantly the Code Completion support for C, C++, and Pascal. This release also adds
Code Insight (or function parameter information) for NQC and brickOS programs. A parameter hint pops up after an
open parenthesis and can also be called up via Ctrl+Shift+Space. (2002-11-25)
Version adds support for compiling, downloading, and running programs using the brickOS
alternate firmware. GNU C and C++ can both be used. BricxCC will syntax highlight these languages
and provide Code Completion for the brickOS API as well as C and C++ keywords. For the adventurous,
BricxCC also supports brickOS with GNU Pascal (with a few patches and updates to the standard brickOS
installation). BricxCC will syntax highlight GNU Pascal and provide Code Completion for the
Pascal implementation of the brickOS API and GNU Pascal keywords. NOTE: This support is a first draft
and it will likely be enhanced or modified in the future. C, C++, and Pascal are all also supported in
the Code Explorer window. This release also adds a Procedure List dialog, accessible via Shift-Ctrl-G, which
mirrors the functionality of the Code Explorer window. Additionally, it provides for incremental search and
sorting by line number, type, and name. If you have ever used GExperts for Delphi this feature should look
familiar. (2002-11-19)
Version adds preliminary Spybot support. Programs can be compiled/downloaded
via NQC, MindScript, and LASM. Some of the additional BricxCC features also work with the Spybot
brick. This release fixes a bug in the Datalog XY analysis. It adds the ability for
users to turn off the toolbar background image. It fixes problems with the "claim extension"
feature for associating NQC, MindScript, and LASM file types with BricxCC.
Version It allows for customizing the
number of files listed as "recent" on the file menu. It also changes the operation when selecting
a recent file such that it becomes the most recently accessed file and if the file is already
open and unmodified it simply switches focus to the already open document.
It adjusts the layout of the watch window slightly to make it harder to accidently click on the
"Check All" or "Check None" buttons when you intended to click "Poll Now".
It removes the 2.0 SDK DLLs from the distribution so MindScript and LASM support will require
the additional install of the 2.0 SDK, which is downloadable from the LEGO website.
It fixes a problem in the Code Explorer when parsing for functions where it would incorrectly
list a second function if you used a parameter list of "(void)".
It fixes a bug with code completion introduced in the previous release.
It fixes a problem when graphing the Datalog if certain items are added to the datalog
less frequently than other items. Earlier graphs would "bunch" the data at the left end of
graph. This release has an option (which defaults to true) that causes the graph to maintain
the "relative time" of all the items added to the Datalog. It fixes a "list index out of
bounds" error when copying the graph data to the clipboard.
It adds syntax highlighting and compiler support for LEGO MindScript and LASM. MindScript
programs are also supported in the Code Explorer window. This version includes a command-line
compiler (lcc32.exe) which uses the vpbcom.dll (and its associated DLLs) distributed as part
of the RCX 2.0 SDK (downloadable from the LEGO MindStorms website). All the necessary DLLs are
included in the BricxCC download and are installed by default.
It fixes a bug in the Watch Graph that caused data to be "bunched" on
either end of the horizontal axis after unchecking some of the watched items.
It fixes an Access Violation bug when attempting to upgrade the BricxCC registry entries.
It fixes a problem with NQC include path support.
It removes the recently added syntax highlighting support
for several languages that have nothing to do with programmable bricks.
Version fixes a problem with Ctrl+Alt macros where the keystroke following the macro entry
was being eaten. It also fixes a bug in the Code Explorer feature which caused
the Code Explorer to not refresh when a new file was opened.
Version adds preliminary (i.e., not done yet) support for syntax highlighting H8
assembler code. It fixes a few minor problems
with the color configuration via the Preferences dialog. It fixes the "quick tab" editor feature.
It also fixes a problem with finding the Cybermaster brick.
Version adds support for downloading non-standard firmwares (such as pbForth).
It introduces user-customizable syntax highlighting support for additional programming languages.
These newly supported languages are: C++, ObjectPascal, Forth, Java, Visual Basic, Cascading Style Sheets,
HTML, XML, 68HC11 assembler, Tcl/Tk, Perl, PHP, and Python. As a result of changes to the architecture to
support these new languages
you may have to reconfigure your NQC color settings. Additionally, the Forth support includes a "code
insight" feature like that available for NQC. This feature (accessed via Ctrl+Space by default) lists the
words defined in the ANS Forth standard by category. Words defined in pbForth that are not in the ANS Forth
standard are also listed.
Version The Code Explorer preferences dialog now displays hints to explain the meaning of the
checkboxes and the clickable state images in the Explorer categories list. Six new code editor options
can be configured via the preferences dialog: Alt sets column selection mode, Move cursor on right click,
Quick tab (called Smart tab in Delphi), Keep trailing blanks, Enhanced Home key, and Grouped Undo.
This release also adds a View|Window List dialog for easy switching between visible windows.
It fixes a slow shutdown problem caused by the Code Explorer. It fixes Cybermaster problems
on the Watch window (related to the Tacho fields and the graphing of Cybermaster-specific data).
Version is now packaged in a single setup executable for simple
installation. The download is larger but it should be easier for new users to
use. This release also fixes (hopefully) a couple problems with the Code Explorer
feature. The Code Explorer also behaves a bit better in terms of how it repaints as it parses the code.
It attempts to keep the current node visible after each parse.
This release also attempts to fix the recently reported slow down problems some users are experiencing.
Potential infinite loop problems in the Code Explorer background thread were fixed and the method for
launching NQC was changed so that it is now almost identical to the original technique.
Also in this release are slight changes to the Color configuration page of the Preferences
dialog. The sample code now has comments that attempt to clarify the type of each element.
When you click on an element in the list it will move the cursor to the line
describing that element type. Also, a "Toolbars" menu item was put back on the View menu. (2002-02-15)
Version adds a new Macro Manager feature for maintaining libraries of keyboard macros (recorded
via the Ctrl+Shift+R keystroke and played via the Ctrl+Shift+P keystroke). This feature is accessible
via the View/Macro Manager menu item. By default BricxCC will automatically load a macro library
if one by that name is located in the same directory as the executable. Keyboard macros can be edited in
textual form and played back via user-configurable hot keys. This release also completes the implementation
of Transfer item parameter macros. (2002-02-06) (This version was never actually released.)
Version adds a "Tools/Configure Tools..." feature. It isn't fully implemented yet (parameter
macros aren't functional). But it does most of what
it needs to do. This version also adds a property page to the Code Explorer window
that is similar in many ways to the one in Delphi. Transfer items (i.e., the configurable tools)
and Code Explorer property settings are saved and restored. A
few bugs (access violations) related to the introduction of the Code Explorer
window in the previous release were fixed as well.
Version makes watching the brick only while the Watch window is active
an option on the Watch window. It fixes a bug in SetSensorMode which caused the
sensor mode in the Direct Control window to be incorrect. It now terminates
the NQC process when a timeout occurs. It checks the NQC exit code
(only supported in NQC version 2.4r1 and above) and properly reports errors instead
of claiming to have completed successfully. It implements a Code Explorer
feature that functions similarly to the Code Explorer in Delphi. This
window presents a tree structure containing the names of all the functions,
subroutines, and tasks in the currently active editor window. Double clicking
on a function, subroutine, or task name will jump to that position in the
Version fixes a bug in the toolbar button enabling/disabling dependant on
whether the connection to the programmable brick is active or not. It implements
auto saving of the "desktop" file which stores window positions and connection/program slot
information to a ".dsk" file associated with the ".nqc" file. On opening a file that has
an associated desktop file the program will restore the settings contained in the desktop file.
This release adds a couple new buttons to the Tools toolbar
(if your Tools toolbar sizes oddly after upgrading to this release
try floating the toolbar, resize it sufficiently wide to fit all the buttons on one line, then
dock it again). It adds the ability to save the NQC
compiler output (as a ".rcx" file). It adds a configuration setting on the "Start Up" tab of the
preferences dialog to specify whether to always display the "Find Brick" dialog when you
execute the "Find Brick" option. It moves the "View/Toolbars" sub-menu to a right-click popup menu
on the top toolbar dock site. It adds a "Ctrl+O,O" keystroke that inserts a comment at the top of the
current NQC file that shows the current port, brick type, and program slot. The error message
displayed when BricxCC cannot find NQC is improved. BricxCC now reopens the port after it finishes
running NQC. An option to display source information in the compiler code listing has been added.
Version is a major upgrade. It adds the ability to modify
API commands, keywords, and constants via the preferences dialog (on a new API tab).
If your syntax highlighting isn't working you can now
fix it by clicking the "Default" button while the API tab is active. This will reset the API to the
values defined by the files in the Default sub-directory. The manner in which the Tools menu and
toolbar items are enabled/disabled is fixed. This release also provides new COM Server functionality.
Users can control BricxCC via any Automation-enabled client. BricxCC implements two dual interfaces:
IBricxCCSpirit and IBricxCCApp. Using these two interfaces users can perform a wide variety of useful
functions - limited only by your imagination. (2002-01-03)
Version fixes a bug in the registry upgrade routine which caused access violations on
some installations. (2001-12-03)
Version adds Edit and Tools toolbars. It adds images on the main menu.
It fixes some window sizing and restoring of size and state issues. If you exit the application
while it is maximized it correctly saves the "restored" size of the window as well
as its maximized state and restores those the next time the application is run.
It makes the tool windows non-minimizable. These changes should make it easier to
keep track of where the many windows are. (2001-11-28)
Version adds support for COM5 through COM8. (2001-11-27)
Version fixes a minor bug in the handling of NQC compilation errors. All compilation errors
should be correctly reported now.
Version modifies the interface with NQC so that temporary files are written to the Windows
temporary directory as reported by the operating system. It features toolbars that can be docked to all four
window edges. Toolbars can also float. Toolbar state and position is saved and restored. Generally, the
toolbars should be much more stable than in earlier releases. Find and Replace settings and history are now
saved and restored. A new keystroke macro recorder is included. Ctrl+Shift+R toggles the
recording of keystrokes.
Ctrl+Shift+P will playback the previously recorded macro. (2001-11-15)
Version adds support for upgrading configuration settings from earlier versions. If the .nqc file
extension isn't registered it will automatically "claim" it. You can manually claim (or reclaim) the .nqc
extension from the Preferences dialog (on the Options tab). The explorer right-click context menu New option
will now list "Not Quite C Document" as a possible new file type. Right-click on a .nqc file for Open, New, and
Print options. You can also drag a .nqc file to a printer to print it. BricxCC registers its location under the
App Paths registry key so you can do "Start/Run Bricxcc" and it will be able to launch the program.
Version changes the name of the program to BricxCC. The previous name included a name registered as
a trademark of The LEGO Company (TLC). This release includes major enhancements to the help files.
The NQC Programmer's Guide is now built into the help system. Context sensitive help for the NQC
language is available via the F1 key from the editor window. Pressing F1 from most forms will
now display the appropriate help page. (2001-10-10)
Version adds the ability to pass additional switches on the command line to NQC. Enter them in the
new edit control on the Preferences form. One usage of this new feature might be to pass -D__SCOUT_COMPAT to
NQC so it will compile references to the local(x) and Call(x) commands. Use at your own risk. Also fixed
a small problem with the code completion feature when text is currently selected. (2001-10-5)
Version adds NQC program download support by passing -Susb if
the USB tower is selected. It also fixes a bug in syntax highlighting that
has been around (and un-noticed by me until today) for a very long time.
For complicated reasons some commands like abs, AGC, sign, ActiveEvents (and
probably others) were not being highlighted. It had to do with case
sensitive sorting versus case insensitive sorting and a broken binary
search routine. I also made Ctrl+Space the default hotkey for code
completion and Ctrl+J the default hotkey for code templates. (2001-9-29)
Version USB support is now tested and confirmed to be working. Downloading a program via
NQC will NOT work yet since I haven't changed the parameters passed to NQC. All the other features
worked with the USB tower in my testing. The code completion feature now has a configurable hot-key.
In the Keystrokes editor add the ecCompletionProposal command and
assign your favorite keystroke to it. Ctrl+Space is what I use. (2001-9-29)
Version fixes a problem I introduced in version where
new keystroke commands would not be properly saved. USB support is confirmed to
not be working yet. (2001-9-29)
Version is a rough stab at implementing USB support (without actually being able to test it).
Fixed a bug that caused Keystroke modifications to not be reflected in the editor until after a restart.
Fixed an Access Violation when closing the program with multiple open edit windows with modifications.
Changed the error message that occurs when the program can't launch NQC so that it is more descriptive.
Added a "code completion" feature (hot-key is Ctrl+Space). It displays a scrollable list of all the
commands, keywords, and constants of NQC. As you type it performs a case-insensitive incremental search
for a matching item. Added a "code template" feature (somewhat redundant) that
uses the format in Delphi (and features a similar code template editor interface). This feature has a
configurable hot-key. In the Keystrokes editor add the ecAutoCompletion command and assign your
favorite keystroke to it. I use Shift+Space. This feature will replace the template name you type in
the editor with the template body as defined via the code template editor. (2001-9-28)
Version restores the previously removed ability to disconnect the COM port while running the program.
This ability is provided via a menu option (always enabled at present) on the Tools menu.
Version restricts editor font selection to Fixed-width fonts only. It also
implements the memory map for the Scout (finally). A few more configurable graph settings were also added
(border color and style in several places). (2001-5-22)
Version adds a "Series Prompt" dialog when you Ctrl+LeftClick on the chart but
not on a particular series. It also fixes the problem found in previous releases where editing
any chart configuration parameter would re-create all the series (causing any series-specific
settings to be reset). Now it only re-creates series when you change the chart type. (2001-5-21)
Version adds a graphing capability to the Watch window (which is relatively cool).
It also removes the hour-glass cursor "feature" when polling from the Watch window. It removes the
"can't find brick" message when the startup option is "don't connect to the brick". (2001-5-20)
Version mostly completes (the first go at) the Datalog graphing capability.
Ctrl+LeftClick on a series to edit its configuration. (2001-5-19)
Version adds a very cool (imho) Datalog graphing capability.
Version adds a new Remote dialog.
Scout and RCX2 support for compiling and downloading NQC programs. RCX2 is supported in all the
other capabilities. Scout support in some areas is still under development but most
of the advanced features function correctly.
No Spirit required. If you only own a Scout and you have an IR tower and cable you can now use it!
User-modifiable syntax highlighting options.
A working multi-level undo/redo capability.
Program slot locking.
Improved integration with NQC (including user-definable timeout values).
Enhanced dockable toolbars.
Enhanced search/replace dialogs.
Many more user preferences for configuring the program.
Syntax printing with print preview and page setup.
Plus a few other things I've forgotten at present.
Comment to: