Version 1.2.1 r5
ColorSensorReadType | Parameters for the ColorSensorRead system call |
CommBTCheckStatusType | Parameters for the CommBTCheckStatus system call |
CommBTConnectionType | Parameters for the CommBTConnection system call |
CommBTOnOffType | Parameters for the CommBTOnOff system call |
CommBTWriteType | Parameters for the CommBTWrite system call |
CommExecuteFunctionType | Parameters for the CommExecuteFunction system call |
CommHSCheckStatusType | Parameters for the CommHSCheckStatus system call |
CommHSControlType | Parameters for the CommHSControl system call |
CommHSReadWriteType | Parameters for the CommHSReadWrite system call |
CommLSCheckStatusType | Parameters for the CommLSCheckStatus system call |
CommLSReadType | Parameters for the CommLSRead system call |
CommLSWriteExType | Parameters for the CommLSWriteEx system call |
CommLSWriteType | Parameters for the CommLSWrite system call |
ComputeCalibValueType | Parameters for the ComputeCalibValue system call |
DatalogGetTimesType | Parameters for the DatalogGetTimes system call |
DatalogWriteType | Parameters for the DatalogWrite system call |
DisplayExecuteFunctionType | Parameters for the DisplayExecuteFunction system call |
div_t | Output type of the div function |
DrawCircleType | Parameters for the DrawCircle system call |
DrawEllipseType | Parameters for the DrawEllipse system call |
DrawFontType | Parameters for the DrawFont system call |
DrawGraphicArrayType | Parameters for the DrawGraphicArray system call |
DrawGraphicType | Parameters for the DrawGraphic system call |
DrawLineType | Parameters for the DrawLine system call |
DrawPointType | Parameters for the DrawPoint system call |
DrawPolygonType | Parameters for the DrawPolygon system call |
DrawRectType | Parameters for the DrawRect system call |
DrawTextType | Parameters for the DrawText system call |
FileCloseType | Parameters for the FileClose system call |
FileDeleteType | Parameters for the FileDelete system call |
FileFindType | Parameters for the FileFind system call |
FileOpenType | Parameters for the FileOpen system call |
FileReadWriteType | Parameters for the FileReadWrite system call |
FileRenameType | Parameters for the FileRename system call |
FileResizeType | Parameters for the FileResize system call |
FileResolveHandleType | Parameters for the FileResolveHandle system call |
FileSeekType | Parameters for the FileSeek system call |
FileTellType | Parameters for the FileTell system call |
GetStartTickType | Parameters for the GetStartTick system call |
InputPinFunctionType | Parameters for the InputPinFunction system call |
InputValuesType | Parameters for the RemoteGetInputValues function |
IOMapReadByIDType | Parameters for the IOMapReadByID system call |
IOMapReadType | Parameters for the IOMapRead system call |
IOMapWriteByIDType | Parameters for the IOMapWriteByID system call |
IOMapWriteType | Parameters for the IOMapWrite system call |
JoystickExMessageType | The JoystickExMessageType structure |
JoystickMessageType | The JoystickMessageType structure |
KeepAliveType | Parameters for the KeepAlive system call |
ldiv_t | Output type of the ldiv function |
ListFilesType | Parameters for the ListFiles system call |
LoaderExecuteFunctionType | Parameters for the LoaderExecuteFunction system call |
LocationType | A point on the NXT LCD screen |
MemoryManagerType | Parameters for the MemoryManager system call |
MessageReadType | Parameters for the MessageRead system call |
MessageWriteType | Parameters for the MessageWrite system call |
OutputStateType | Parameters for the RemoteGetOutputState function |
RandomExType | Parameters for the RandomEx system call |
RandomNumberType | Parameters for the RandomNumber system call |
ReadButtonType | Parameters for the ReadButton system call |
ReadLastResponseType | Parameters for the ReadLastResponse system call |
ReadSemDataType | Parameters for the ReadSemData system call |
SetScreenModeType | Parameters for the SetScreenMode system call |
SetSleepTimeoutType | Parameters for the SetSleepTimeout system call |
SizeType | Width and height dimensions for the DrawRect system call |
SoundGetStateType | Parameters for the SoundGetState system call |
SoundPlayFileType | Parameters for the SoundPlayFile system call |
SoundPlayToneType | Parameters for the SoundPlayTone system call |
SoundSetStateType | Parameters for the SoundSetState system call |
Tone | Type used with the PlayTones API function |
UpdateCalibCacheInfoType | Parameters for the UpdateCalibCacheInfo system call |
VectorType | This structure is used for storing three axis values in a single object |
WriteSemDataType | Parameters for the WriteSemData system call |
XGPacketType | Parameters for the ReadSensorMIXG1300L function |