Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 12]
Pre-defined system constants | Pre-defined system constants for directly interacting with the SuperPro hardware |
ADChannel0/1/2/3 | These variables return the voltage on pins A0/1/2/3 as a value in the range 0 - 1023 |
DigitalIn | This variable returns the current state of the 8 digital lines, B0 - B7 |
DigitalOut | This variable sets the current state of any of the 8 digital lines, B0 - B7 which are set as outputs |
DigitalControl | This variable defines which of the 8 digital lines, B0 - B7, are set as outputs |
StrobeControl | This variable allows control over the 6 strobe lines |
Timer0/1/2/3 | The timers are count-down and halt at zero types |
SerialInCount | The SerialInCount returns the number of characters waiting in an input FIFO (First In, First Out) buffer of up to 255 entries |
SerialInByte | The SerialInByte returns the character waiting in the input FIFO receive queue |
SerialOutCount | The SerialOutCount returns the number of characters waiting in an output FIFO send queue of 255 entries |
SerialOutByte | The SerialOutByte sends a character to the output FIFO send queue |
DAC0Mode/DAC1Mode | The DACnMode controls the operation of the analog output pins O0/O1 |
DAC0Frequency/DAC1Frequency | The DACnFrequency controls the generator frequency for the analog output pins O0/O1 for DACnModes DAC_MODE_SINEWAVE, DAC_MODE_SQUAREWAVE, DAC_MODE_SAWPOSWAVE, DAC_MODE_SAWNEGWAVE, DAC_MODE_TRIANGLEWAVE, and DAC_MODE_PWMVOLTAGE |
DAC0Voltage/DAC1Voltage | The DACnVoltage controls the output voltage levels for the analog output pins O0/O1 |
LEDControl | The LEDControl location can be used to turn two on-board LEDs on and off |
SystemClock | The SystemClock returns the number of milliseconds since power was applied to the SuperPro board |
Shared Memory | There are 32 shared memory locations on the SuperPro board which can be accessed remotely via I2C using a device like the NXT |