SPC  Version 0.9.5
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[detail level 12]
\Pre-defined system constantsPre-defined system constants for directly interacting with the SuperPro hardware
 oADChannel0/1/2/3These variables return the voltage on pins A0/1/2/3 as a value in the range 0 - 1023
 oDigitalInThis variable returns the current state of the 8 digital lines, B0 - B7
 oDigitalOutThis variable sets the current state of any of the 8 digital lines, B0 - B7 which are set as outputs
 oDigitalControlThis variable defines which of the 8 digital lines, B0 - B7, are set as outputs
 oStrobeControlThis variable allows control over the 6 strobe lines
 oTimer0/1/2/3The timers are count-down and halt at zero types
 oSerialInCountThe SerialInCount returns the number of characters waiting in an input FIFO (First In, First Out) buffer of up to 255 entries
 oSerialInByteThe SerialInByte returns the character waiting in the input FIFO receive queue
 oSerialOutCountThe SerialOutCount returns the number of characters waiting in an output FIFO send queue of 255 entries
 oSerialOutByteThe SerialOutByte sends a character to the output FIFO send queue
 oDAC0Mode/DAC1ModeThe DACnMode controls the operation of the analog output pins O0/O1
 oDAC0Frequency/DAC1FrequencyThe DACnFrequency controls the generator frequency for the analog output pins O0/O1 for DACnModes DAC_MODE_SINEWAVE, DAC_MODE_SQUAREWAVE, DAC_MODE_SAWPOSWAVE, DAC_MODE_SAWNEGWAVE, DAC_MODE_TRIANGLEWAVE, and DAC_MODE_PWMVOLTAGE
 oDAC0Voltage/DAC1VoltageThe DACnVoltage controls the output voltage levels for the analog output pins O0/O1
 oLEDControlThe LEDControl location can be used to turn two on-board LEDs on and off
 oSystemClockThe SystemClock returns the number of milliseconds since power was applied to the SuperPro board
 \Shared MemoryThere are 32 shared memory locations on the SuperPro board which can be accessed remotely via I2C using a device like the NXT