NXC  Version 1.2.1 r5
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System Command functions

Functions for sending system commands to another NXT. More...


char RemoteOpenRead (byte conn, string filename, byte &handle, long &size)
 Send an OpenRead message.
char RemoteOpenAppendData (byte conn, string filename, byte &handle, long &size)
 Send an OpenAppendData message.
char RemoteDeleteFile (byte conn, string filename)
 Send a DeleteFile message.
char RemoteFindFirstFile (byte conn, string mask, byte &handle, string &name, long &size)
 Send a FindFirstFile message.
char RemoteGetFirmwareVersion (byte conn, byte &pmin, byte &pmaj, byte &fmin, byte &fmaj)
 Send a GetFirmwareVersion message.
char RemoteGetBluetoothAddress (byte conn, byte &btaddr[])
 Send a GetBluetoothAddress message.
char RemoteGetDeviceInfo (byte conn, string &name, byte &btaddr[], byte &btsignal[], long &freemem)
 Send a GetDeviceInfo message.
char RemoteDeleteUserFlash (byte conn)
 Send a DeleteUserFlash message.
char RemoteOpenWrite (byte conn, string filename, long size, byte &handle)
 Send an OpenWrite message.
char RemoteOpenWriteLinear (byte conn, string filename, long size, byte &handle)
 Send an OpenWriteLinear message.
char RemoteOpenWriteData (byte conn, string filename, long size, byte &handle)
 Send an OpenWriteData message.
char RemoteCloseFile (byte conn, byte handle)
 Send a CloseFile message.
char RemoteFindNextFile (byte conn, byte &handle, string &name, long &size)
 Send a FindNextFile message.
char RemotePollCommandLength (byte conn, byte bufnum, byte &length)
 Send a PollCommandLength message.
char RemoteWrite (byte conn, byte &handle, int &numbytes, byte data[])
 Send a Write message.
char RemoteRead (byte conn, byte &handle, int &numbytes, byte &data[])
 Send a Read message.
char RemoteIOMapRead (byte conn, long id, int offset, int &numbytes, byte &data[])
 Send an IOMapRead message.
char RemotePollCommand (byte conn, byte bufnum, byte &len, byte &data[])
 Send a PollCommand message.
char RemoteRenameFile (byte conn, string oldname, string newname)
 Send a RenameFile message.
char RemoteBluetoothFactoryReset (byte conn)
 Send a BluetoothFactoryReset message.
char RemoteIOMapWriteValue (byte conn, long id, int offset, variant value)
 Send an IOMapWrite value message.
char RemoteIOMapWriteBytes (byte conn, long id, int offset, byte data[])
 Send an IOMapWrite bytes message.
char RemoteSetBrickName (byte conn, string name)
 Send a SetBrickName message.

Detailed Description

Functions for sending system commands to another NXT.