NXC  Version 1.2.1 r5
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LowSpeed module functions

Functions for accessing and modifying low speed module features. More...


 Low level LowSpeed module functions
 Low level functions for accessing low speed module features.
 LowSpeed module system call functions
 System call functions for accessing low speed module features.


byte SensorUS (const byte port)
 Read ultrasonic sensor value.
byte SensorUS0 (const byte port)
 Read ultrasonic sensor value without wait.
byte SensorUSWait (const byte port, const byte wait)
 Read ultrasonic sensor value with specified wait.
char ReadSensorUSEx (const byte port, byte &values[])
 Read multiple ultrasonic sensor values.
char ReadSensorUSEx0 (const byte port, byte &values[])
 Read multiple ultrasonic sensor values without wait.
char ReadSensorUSExWait (const byte port, byte &values[], const byte wait)
 Read multiple ultrasonic sensor values with specified wait.
char ReadSensorEMeter (const byte &port, float &vIn, float &aIn, float &vOut, float &aOut, int &joules, float &wIn, float &wOut)
 Read the LEGO EMeter values.
char ConfigureTemperatureSensor (const byte &port, const byte &config)
 Configure LEGO Temperature sensor options.
float SensorTemperature (const byte &port)
 Read the LEGO Temperature sensor value.
long LowspeedStatus (const byte port, byte &bytesready)
 Get lowspeed status.
long LowspeedCheckStatus (const byte port)
 Check lowspeed status.
byte LowspeedBytesReady (const byte port)
 Get lowspeed bytes ready.
long LowspeedWrite (const byte port, byte retlen, byte buffer[])
 Write lowspeed data.
long LowspeedRead (const byte port, byte buflen, byte &buffer[])
 Read lowspeed data.
long I2CStatus (const byte port, byte &bytesready)
 Get I2C status.
long I2CCheckStatus (const byte port)
 Check I2C status.
byte I2CBytesReady (const byte port)
 Get I2C bytes ready.
long I2CWrite (const byte port, byte retlen, byte buffer[])
 Write I2C data.
long I2CRead (const byte port, byte buflen, byte &buffer[])
 Read I2C data.
long I2CBytes (const byte port, byte inbuf[], byte &count, byte &outbuf[])
 Perform an I2C write/read transaction.
char ReadI2CRegister (byte port, byte i2caddr, byte reg, byte &out)
 Read I2C register.
char WriteI2CRegister (byte port, byte i2caddr, byte reg, byte val)
 Write I2C register.
string I2CDeviceInfo (byte port, byte i2caddr, byte info)
 Read I2C device information.
string I2CVersion (byte port, byte i2caddr)
 Read I2C device version.
string I2CVendorId (byte port, byte i2caddr)
 Read I2C device vendor.
string I2CDeviceId (byte port, byte i2caddr)
 Read I2C device identifier.
long I2CSendCommand (byte port, byte i2caddr, byte cmd)
 Send an I2C command.

Detailed Description

Functions for accessing and modifying low speed module features.