NXC  Version 1.2.1 r5
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This is an example of how to use the atand function.

// ex_atand.nxc
// Display values of the atand API call.
// This program runs indefinitely -- press gray button to exit.
// Reguires enhanced firmware 1.28 or later.
#define BIG_NEG_VAL -1000.0
#define NEG_VAL -1.0
#define POS_VAL 1.0
#define BIG_POS_VAL 1000.0
inline void show_atan(const float val, const int screen_y)
TextOut(0, screen_y, FormatNum("%6.2f DEG", atand(val)));
task main()
show_atan(BIG_NEG_VAL, LCD_LINE1); // shows -89.94 DEG
show_atan(NEG_VAL, LCD_LINE2); // shows -45.00 DEG
show_atan(0.0, LCD_LINE3); // shows 0.00 DEG
show_atan(POS_VAL, LCD_LINE4); // shows 45.00 DEG
show_atan(BIG_POS_VAL, LCD_LINE5); // shows 89.94 DEG
while (true);