This is an example of how to use the SysInputPinFunction function along with the InputPinFunctionType structure.
#define INPUT_PINCMD_DIR 0x00 // Set digital pin(s) direction
#define INPUT_PINCMD_SET 0x01 // Set digital pin(s)
#define INPUT_PINCMD_CLEAR 0x02 // Clear digital pin(s)
#define INPUT_PINCMD_READ 0x03 // Read digital pin(s)
#define INPUT_PINCMD_MASK 0x03 // Mask for the two bits used by pin function commands
#define INPUT_PINCMD_WAIT(_usec) ((_usec)<<2) // A wait value in microseconds that can be added after one of the above commands by ORing with the command
#define INPUT_PINDIR_OUTPUT 0x00 // Use with the direction command to set direction to input. OR this with the pin value.
#define INPUT_PINDIR_INPUT 0x04 // Use with the direction command to set direction to output. OR this with the pin value.
#define InputPinFunction 77
task main()