NXC  Version 1.2.1 r5
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This is an example of how to use the cosd and sind functions.

// ex_sind_cosd.nxc
// Run this program and you will see a circle appear on the NXT screen in a
// strange random way. No two runs will produce the circle in exactly the same
// way.
// This program runs indefinitely -- press gray button to exit.
// Reguires enhanced firmware 1.28 or later.
#define SCREEN_WIDH 100
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64
#define X_ZERO (SCREEN_WIDH / 2)
#define Y_ZERO (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)
#define R (Y_ZERO - 2)
#define MAX_DEG 360
// Convert a float to its nearest integer value.
inline int integer(float x)
return trunc(x + 0.5);
task main()
float angle = Random(MAX_DEG);
float x = X_ZERO + R * cosd(angle);
float y = Y_ZERO + R * sind(angle);
PointOut(integer(x), integer(y));
// Without the Wait, the program runs too fast!