NXC  Version 1.2.1 r5
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This is an example of how to use the PlayTone, Wait, Stop, TextOut, OpenFileAppend, CloseFile, OpenFileRead, FormatNum, Write, Read, and CircleOut functions.This program is intended to serve as an introduction to data files on the NXT. It focuses on handling the codes returned by the file system's API calls, which is an important aspect of the API that is all too often neglected by programmers. The program deals with a data file describing circles. On each run, it adds a new circle record to the data file. Then it reads in the whole data file and displays all the circles on NXT screen. It creates the data file if doesn't already exist. If you run it several times in seccession, you will fill the data file and get a file-is-full exception. The data flie created by this program is not visible on the NXT. To delete the file, circles.dat, you can use the NeXT Explorer or the example program ex_delete_data_file.nxc.

// ex_file_system.nxc
// This program is intended to serve as an introduction to data files on the
// NXT. It focuses on handling the codes returned by the file system's API
// calls, which is an important aspect of the API that is all too often
// neglected by programmers.
// The program deals with a data file describing circles. On each run, it adds
// a new circle record to the data file. Then it reads in the whole data file
// and displays all the circles on NXT screen. It creates the data file if
// doesn't already exist. If you run it several times in seccession, you will
// fill the data file and get a file-is-full exception.
// The data flie created by this program is not visible on the NXT. To delete
// the file, circles.dat, you can use the NeXT Explorer or the example program
// ex_delete_data_file.nxc.
#define MIN_R 10
#define MAX_R 30
#define MIN_X 20
#define MAX_X 80
#define MIN_Y 10
#define MAX_Y 54
byte handle = 0; // file handle
#define FILE_NAME "circles.dat"
// The file size is made small so it will fill up quickly.
#define RECORDS 4
#define RECORD_SIZE 3
// This struct defines the data records.
struct circle
byte r; // radius
byte cx; // center x-coordiate
byte cy; // center y-coordiate
// Initialize a circle with random radius r and center (cx, cy).
void init_circle(circle & c)
c.r = MIN_R + Random(MAX_R - MIN_R);
c.cx = MIN_X + Random(MAX_X - MIN_X);
c.cy = MIN_Y + Random(MAX_Y - MIN_Y);
// Make sure file is closed whether or not file operations succeed or fail.
void shutdown(const int delay)
if (handle) CloseFile(handle);
// Get user's attention.
// Give the user time to read screen messages.
// Display a return code from a file sytem API call on the NXT screen.
void rtn_code_out(const unsigned int code)
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE2, "code ");
TextOut(50, LCD_LINE2, FormatNum("%04x", code));
// Open the data file for writing.
void open_for_write()
unsigned int file_size = FILE_SIZE;
handle = 0;
// Start with the assumptions the file doesn't exist and needs to be created.
unsigned int rtn_code = CreateFile(FILE_NAME, file_size, handle);
// If the file already exists, open it with the intent of adding to the data
// that is already there.
if (rtn_code == LDR_FILEEXISTS)
rtn_code = OpenFileAppend(FILE_NAME, file_size, handle);
// Return code handling
switch (rtn_code)
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "file is full ");
// Unanticipated exception.
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "write open ");
// Open the data file for reading.
void open_for_read()
unsigned int file_size = FILE_SIZE;
handle = 0;
unsigned int rtn_code = OpenFileRead(FILE_NAME, file_size, handle);
// Return code handling
if (rtn_code != LDR_SUCCESS)
// Unanticipated exception.
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "read open ");
// Write one circle record to the data file.
void write_recd(const circle recd)
unsigned int rtn_code = Write(handle, recd);
// Return code handling
if (rtn_code != LDR_SUCCESS)
switch (rtn_code)
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "no more space ");
// Unanticipated exception.
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "write failed ");
// Read all the circle records from the data file. Display each circle as it is
// read.
void read_all(circle & recd)
while (true)
unsigned int rtn_code = Read(handle, recd);
// rtn_code_out(rtn_code);
// Return code handling
switch (rtn_code)
// Record has been read. Display circle described by it.
CircleOut(recd.cx, recd.cy, recd.r);
// No more data to read.
// Unanticipated exception.
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "read failed ");
task main()
circle c;