NXC  Version 1.2.1 r5
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This is an example of how to use the SetSensorHTGyro, SensorHTGyro, Wait, TextOut, NumOut, and ButtonPressed functions.

// HiTechnic Gyro Test
#define GYRO IN_1
#define SAMPLESIZE 100
task main()
int i, y, d;
int v, offset;
float gyroAvg, gyroSum = 0;
int data[SAMPLESIZE];
int cSet[7];
// Let user get finger off start button before starting sampling
for (i=0; i<SAMPLESIZE; i++) {
v = SensorHTGyro(GYRO);
data[i] = v;
gyroSum += v;
// Display floating point gyro average
gyroAvg = gyroSum/SAMPLESIZE;
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "Avg: ");
NumOut(6*4, LCD_LINE1, gyroAvg);
// Round to nearest int
offset = gyroAvg+0.5;
// Go through sample set and see how many are
// offset-3, offset-2, offset-1, offset, offset+1, offset+2, offset+3
for (i=0; i<SAMPLESIZE; i++) {
d = data[i] - offset;
if (d < -3) d = -3;
if (d > 3) d = 3;
d += 3;
// Display on the screen now many of each value was in the sample
y = LCD_LINE2;
for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
if (i==0)
TextOut(0, y, "<= :");
else if (i==6)
TextOut(0, y, ">= :" );
TextOut(0, y, "== :");
NumOut(6*2, y, offset+i-3);
NumOut(6*6, y, cSet[i]);
y-= 8;
// Keep display on screen until button pressed
until(ButtonPressed(BTNCENTER, false)) Wait(100);