NXC  Version 1.2.1 r5
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This is an example of how to use the SetSensorDIGPSWaypoint, SensorDIGPSStatus, SensorDIGPSTime, SensorDIGPSLatitude, SensorDIGPSLongitude, SensorDIGPSVelocity, SensorDIGPSHeading, SensorDIGPSDistanceToWaypoint, SensorDIGPSHeadingToWaypoint, and SensorDIGPSRelativeHeading functions.

task main()
// while(!SensorDIGPSStatus(S1)) Wait(10);
SetSensorDIGPSWaypoint(S1, 36165833, -86784444);
while (true)
// show link status
// show latitude & longitude
float lat = SensorDIGPSLatitude(S1) / 1000000;
float lng = SensorDIGPSLongitude(S1) / 1000000;
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE2, lat);
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE3, lng);
// show heading
// show velocity
// show time in UTC