NXC  Version 1.2.1 r5
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NXCDefs.h File Reference

Constants, macros, and API functions for NXC. More...

#include "NBCCommon.h"

Data Structures

struct  ColorSensorReadType
 Parameters for the ColorSensorRead system call. More...
struct  InputValuesType
 Parameters for the RemoteGetInputValues function. More...
struct  InputPinFunctionType
 Parameters for the InputPinFunction system call. More...
struct  OutputStateType
 Parameters for the RemoteGetOutputState function. More...
struct  LocationType
 A point on the NXT LCD screen. More...
struct  SizeType
 Width and height dimensions for the DrawRect system call. More...
struct  DrawTextType
 Parameters for the DrawText system call. More...
struct  DrawPointType
 Parameters for the DrawPoint system call. More...
struct  DrawLineType
 Parameters for the DrawLine system call. More...
struct  DrawCircleType
 Parameters for the DrawCircle system call. More...
struct  DrawRectType
 Parameters for the DrawRect system call. More...
struct  DrawGraphicType
 Parameters for the DrawGraphic system call. More...
struct  SetScreenModeType
 Parameters for the SetScreenMode system call. More...
struct  DisplayExecuteFunctionType
 Parameters for the DisplayExecuteFunction system call. More...
struct  DrawGraphicArrayType
 Parameters for the DrawGraphicArray system call. More...
struct  DrawPolygonType
 Parameters for the DrawPolygon system call. More...
struct  DrawEllipseType
 Parameters for the DrawEllipse system call. More...
struct  DrawFontType
 Parameters for the DrawFont system call. More...
struct  Tone
 Type used with the PlayTones API function. More...
struct  SoundPlayFileType
 Parameters for the SoundPlayFile system call. More...
struct  SoundPlayToneType
 Parameters for the SoundPlayTone system call. More...
struct  SoundGetStateType
 Parameters for the SoundGetState system call. More...
struct  SoundSetStateType
 Parameters for the SoundSetState system call. More...
struct  CommLSWriteType
 Parameters for the CommLSWrite system call. More...
struct  CommLSReadType
 Parameters for the CommLSRead system call. More...
struct  CommLSCheckStatusType
 Parameters for the CommLSCheckStatus system call. More...
struct  CommLSWriteExType
 Parameters for the CommLSWriteEx system call. More...
struct  GetStartTickType
 Parameters for the GetStartTick system call. More...
struct  KeepAliveType
 Parameters for the KeepAlive system call. More...
struct  IOMapReadType
 Parameters for the IOMapRead system call. More...
struct  IOMapWriteType
 Parameters for the IOMapWrite system call. More...
struct  IOMapReadByIDType
 Parameters for the IOMapReadByID system call. More...
struct  IOMapWriteByIDType
 Parameters for the IOMapWriteByID system call. More...
struct  DatalogWriteType
 Parameters for the DatalogWrite system call. More...
struct  DatalogGetTimesType
 Parameters for the DatalogGetTimes system call. More...
struct  ReadSemDataType
 Parameters for the ReadSemData system call. More...
struct  WriteSemDataType
 Parameters for the WriteSemData system call. More...
struct  UpdateCalibCacheInfoType
 Parameters for the UpdateCalibCacheInfo system call. More...
struct  ComputeCalibValueType
 Parameters for the ComputeCalibValue system call. More...
struct  MemoryManagerType
 Parameters for the MemoryManager system call. More...
struct  ReadLastResponseType
 Parameters for the ReadLastResponse system call. More...
struct  MessageWriteType
 Parameters for the MessageWrite system call. More...
struct  MessageReadType
 Parameters for the MessageRead system call. More...
struct  CommBTCheckStatusType
 Parameters for the CommBTCheckStatus system call. More...
struct  CommBTWriteType
 Parameters for the CommBTWrite system call. More...
struct  JoystickMessageType
 The JoystickMessageType structure. More...
struct  JoystickExMessageType
 The JoystickExMessageType structure. More...
struct  CommExecuteFunctionType
 Parameters for the CommExecuteFunction system call. More...
struct  CommHSControlType
 Parameters for the CommHSControl system call. More...
struct  CommHSCheckStatusType
 Parameters for the CommHSCheckStatus system call. More...
struct  CommHSReadWriteType
 Parameters for the CommHSReadWrite system call. More...
struct  CommBTOnOffType
 Parameters for the CommBTOnOff system call. More...
struct  CommBTConnectionType
 Parameters for the CommBTConnection system call. More...
struct  ReadButtonType
 Parameters for the ReadButton system call. More...
struct  SetSleepTimeoutType
 Parameters for the SetSleepTimeout system call. More...
struct  FileOpenType
 Parameters for the FileOpen system call. More...
struct  FileReadWriteType
 Parameters for the FileReadWrite system call. More...
struct  FileCloseType
 Parameters for the FileClose system call. More...
struct  FileResolveHandleType
 Parameters for the FileResolveHandle system call. More...
struct  FileRenameType
 Parameters for the FileRename system call. More...
struct  FileDeleteType
 Parameters for the FileDelete system call. More...
struct  LoaderExecuteFunctionType
 Parameters for the LoaderExecuteFunction system call. More...
struct  FileFindType
 Parameters for the FileFind system call. More...
struct  FileSeekType
 Parameters for the FileSeek system call. More...
struct  FileResizeType
 Parameters for the FileResize system call. More...
struct  FileTellType
 Parameters for the FileTell system call. More...
struct  ListFilesType
 Parameters for the ListFiles system call. More...
struct  XGPacketType
 Parameters for the ReadSensorMIXG1300L function. More...
struct  VectorType
 This structure is used for storing three axis values in a single object. More...
struct  RandomNumberType
 Parameters for the RandomNumber system call. More...
struct  RandomExType
 Parameters for the RandomEx system call. More...
struct  div_t
 Output type of the div function. More...
struct  ldiv_t
 Output type of the ldiv function. More...


#define u8   unsigned char
#define s8   char
#define u16   unsigned int
#define s16   int
#define u32   unsigned long
#define s32   long
#define NEG_FLT_MIN   -1E-37
#define FLT_MIN   1E-37
#define NEG_FLT_MAX   -1E+37
#define FLT_MAX   1E+37
#define S1   0
#define S2   1
#define S3   2
#define S4   3
#define _SENSOR_CFG(_type, _mode)   (((_type)<<8)+(_mode))
#define SENSOR_1   Sensor(S1)
#define SENSOR_2   Sensor(S2)
#define SENSOR_3   Sensor(S3)
#define SENSOR_4   Sensor(S4)
#define LT   0x00
#define GT   0x01
#define LTEQ   0x02
#define GTEQ   0x03
#define EQ   0x04
#define NEQ   0x05
#define Sqrt(_X)   asm { sqrt __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute square root.
#define Sin(_X)   asm { sin __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute sine.
#define Cos(_X)   asm { cos __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute cosine.
#define Asin(_X)   asm { asin __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute arc sine.
#define Acos(_X)   asm { acos __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute arc cosine.
#define Atan(_X)   asm { atan __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute arc tangent.
#define Ceil(_X)   asm { ceil __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Round up value.
#define Exp(_X)   asm { exp __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute exponential function .
#define Floor(_X)   asm { floor __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Round down value.
#define Tan(_X)   asm { tan __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute tangent.
#define Tanh(_X)   asm { tanh __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute hyperbolic tangent.
#define Cosh(_X)   asm { cosh __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute hyperbolic cosine.
#define Sinh(_X)   asm { sinh __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute hyperbolic sine.
#define Log(_X)   asm { log __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute natural logarithm.
#define Log10(_X)   asm { log10 __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute common logarithm.
#define Atan2(_Y, _X)   asm { atan2 __FLTRETVAL__, _Y, _X }
 Compute arc tangent with 2 parameters.
#define Pow(_Base, _Exponent)   asm { pow __FLTRETVAL__, _Base, _Exponent }
 Raise to power.
#define Trunc(_X)   asm { trunc __RETVAL__, _X }
 Compute integral part.
#define Frac(_X)   asm { frac __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute fractional part.
#define MulDiv32(_A, _B, _C)   asm { muldiv __RETVAL__, _A, _B, _C }
 Multiply and divide.
#define SinD(_X)   asm { sind __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute sine (degrees).
#define CosD(_X)   asm { cosd __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute cosine (degrees).
#define AsinD(_X)   asm { asind __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute arch sine (degrees).
#define AcosD(_X)   asm { acosd __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute arc cosine (degrees).
#define AtanD(_X)   asm { atand __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute arc tangent (degrees).
#define TanD(_X)   asm { tand __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute tangent (degrees).
#define TanhD(_X)   asm { tanhd __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute hyperbolic tangent (degrees).
#define CoshD(_X)   asm { coshd __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute hyperbolic cosine (degrees).
#define SinhD(_X)   asm { sinhd __FLTRETVAL__, _X }
 Compute hyperbolic sine (degrees).
#define Atan2D(_Y, _X)   asm { atan2d __FLTRETVAL__, _Y, _X }
 Compute arc tangent with two parameters (degrees).
#define getc(_handle)   fgetc(_handle)
 Get character from file.
#define putc(_ch, _handle)   fputc(_ch, _handle)
 Write character to file.
#define SEEK_SET   0
#define SEEK_CUR   1
#define SEEK_END   2
#define RICSetValue(_data, _idx, _newval)   _data[(_idx)] = (_newval)&0xFF; _data[(_idx)+1] = (_newval)>>8
 Set the value of an element in an RIC data array.


void SetSensorType (const byte &port, byte type)
 Set sensor type.
void SetSensorMode (const byte &port, byte mode)
 Set sensor mode.
void ClearSensor (const byte &port)
 Clear a sensor value.
void ResetSensor (const byte &port)
 Reset the sensor port.
void SetSensor (const byte &port, const unsigned int config)
 Set sensor configuration.
void SetSensorTouch (const byte &port)
 Configure a touch sensor.
void SetSensorLight (const byte &port, bool bActive=true)
 Configure a light sensor.
void SetSensorSound (const byte &port, bool bdBScaling=true)
 Configure a sound sensor.
void SetSensorLowspeed (const byte &port, bool bIsPowered=true)
 Configure an I2C sensor.
void SetSensorUltrasonic (const byte &port)
 Configure an ultrasonic sensor.
void SetSensorEMeter (const byte &port)
 Configure an EMeter sensor.
void SetSensorTemperature (const byte &port)
 Configure a temperature sensor.
void SetSensorColorFull (const byte &port)
 Configure an NXT 2.0 full color sensor.
void SetSensorColorRed (const byte &port)
 Configure an NXT 2.0 red light sensor.
void SetSensorColorGreen (const byte &port)
 Configure an NXT 2.0 green light sensor.
void SetSensorColorBlue (const byte &port)
 Configure an NXT 2.0 blue light sensor.
void SetSensorColorNone (const byte &port)
 Configure an NXT 2.0 no light sensor.
variant GetInput (const byte &port, const byte field)
 Get an input field value.
void SetInput (const byte &port, const int field, variant value)
 Set an input field value.
unsigned int Sensor (const byte &port)
 Read sensor scaled value.
bool SensorBoolean (const byte port)
 Read sensor boolean value.
byte SensorDigiPinsDirection (const byte port)
 Read sensor digital pins direction.
byte SensorDigiPinsOutputLevel (const byte port)
 Read sensor digital pins output level.
byte SensorDigiPinsStatus (const byte port)
 Read sensor digital pins status.
bool SensorInvalid (const byte &port)
 Read sensor invalid data flag.
byte SensorMode (const byte &port)
 Read sensor mode.
unsigned int SensorNormalized (const byte &port)
 Read sensor normalized value.
unsigned int SensorRaw (const byte &port)
 Read sensor raw value.
unsigned int SensorScaled (const byte &port)
 Read sensor scaled value.
byte SensorType (const byte &port)
 Read sensor type.
unsigned int SensorValue (const byte &port)
 Read sensor scaled value.
bool SensorValueBool (const byte port)
 Read sensor boolean value.
unsigned int SensorValueRaw (const byte &port)
 Read sensor raw value.
byte CustomSensorActiveStatus (byte port)
 Get the custom sensor active status.
byte CustomSensorPercentFullScale (byte port)
 Get the custom sensor percent full scale.
unsigned int CustomSensorZeroOffset (byte port)
 Get the custom sensor zero offset.
void SetCustomSensorActiveStatus (byte port, byte activeStatus)
 Set active status.
void SetCustomSensorPercentFullScale (byte port, byte pctFullScale)
 Set percent full scale.
void SetCustomSensorZeroOffset (byte port, int zeroOffset)
 Set custom zero offset.
void SetSensorBoolean (byte port, bool value)
 Set sensor boolean value.
void SetSensorDigiPinsDirection (byte port, byte direction)
 Set digital pins direction.
void SetSensorDigiPinsOutputLevel (byte port, byte outputLevel)
 Set digital pins output level.
void SetSensorDigiPinsStatus (byte port, byte status)
 Set digital pins status.
void SysColorSensorRead (ColorSensorReadType &args)
 Read LEGO color sensor.
int ReadSensorColorEx (const byte &port, int &colorval, unsigned int &raw[], unsigned int &norm[], int &scaled[])
 Read LEGO color sensor extra.
int ReadSensorColorRaw (const byte &port, unsigned int &rawVals[])
 Read LEGO color sensor raw values.
unsigned int ColorADRaw (byte port, byte color)
 Read a LEGO color sensor AD raw value.
bool ColorBoolean (byte port, byte color)
 Read a LEGO color sensor boolean value.
long ColorCalibration (byte port, byte point, byte color)
 Read a LEGO color sensor calibration point value.
byte ColorCalibrationState (byte port)
 Read LEGO color sensor calibration state.
unsigned int ColorCalLimits (byte port, byte point)
 Read a LEGO color sensor calibration limit value.
unsigned int ColorSensorRaw (byte port, byte color)
 Read a LEGO color sensor raw value.
unsigned int ColorSensorValue (byte port, byte color)
 Read a LEGO color sensor scaled value.
void SysInputPinFunction (InputPinFunctionType &args)
 Execute the Input module pin function.
void SetMotorPwnFreq (byte n)
 Set motor regulation frequency.
void SetMotorRegulationTime (byte n)
 Set regulation time.
void SetMotorRegulationOptions (byte n)
 Set regulation options.
void OnFwdSyncPID (byte outputs, char pwr, char turnpct, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Run motors forward synchronised with PID factors.
void OnFwdSyncExPID (byte outputs, char pwr, char turnpct, const byte reset, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Run motors forward synchronised and reset counters with PID factors.
void OnRevSyncPID (byte outputs, char pwr, char turnpct, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Run motors backward synchronised with PID factors.
void OnRevSyncExPID (byte outputs, char pwr, char turnpct, const byte reset, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Run motors backward synchronised and reset counters with PID factors.
void OnFwdRegPID (byte outputs, char pwr, byte regmode, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Run motors forward regulated with PID factors.
void OnFwdRegExPID (byte outputs, char pwr, byte regmode, const byte reset, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Run motors forward regulated and reset counters with PID factors.
void OnRevRegPID (byte outputs, char pwr, byte regmode, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Run motors reverse regulated with PID factors.
void OnRevRegExPID (byte outputs, char pwr, byte regmode, const byte reset, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Run motors backward regulated and reset counters with PID factors.
void Off (byte outputs)
 Turn motors off.
void OffEx (byte outputs, const byte reset)
 Turn motors off and reset counters.
void Coast (byte outputs)
 Coast motors.
void CoastEx (byte outputs, const byte reset)
 Coast motors and reset counters.
void Float (byte outputs)
 Float motors.
void OnFwd (byte outputs, char pwr)
 Run motors forward.
void OnFwdEx (byte outputs, char pwr, const byte reset)
 Run motors forward and reset counters.
void OnRev (byte outputs, char pwr)
 Run motors backward.
void OnRevEx (byte outputs, char pwr, const byte reset)
 Run motors backward and reset counters.
void OnFwdReg (byte outputs, char pwr, byte regmode)
 Run motors forward regulated.
void OnFwdRegEx (byte outputs, char pwr, byte regmode, const byte reset)
 Run motors forward regulated and reset counters.
void OnRevReg (byte outputs, char pwr, byte regmode)
 Run motors forward regulated.
void OnRevRegEx (byte outputs, char pwr, byte regmode, const byte reset)
 Run motors backward regulated and reset counters.
void OnFwdSync (byte outputs, char pwr, char turnpct)
 Run motors forward synchronised.
void OnFwdSyncEx (byte outputs, char pwr, char turnpct, const byte reset)
 Run motors forward synchronised and reset counters.
void OnRevSync (byte outputs, char pwr, char turnpct)
 Run motors backward synchronised.
void OnRevSyncEx (byte outputs, char pwr, char turnpct, const byte reset)
 Run motors backward synchronised and reset counters.
void RotateMotor (byte outputs, char pwr, long angle)
 Rotate motor.
void RotateMotorPID (byte outputs, char pwr, long angle, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Rotate motor with PID factors.
void RotateMotorEx (byte outputs, char pwr, long angle, char turnpct, bool sync, bool stop)
 Rotate motor Ex.
void RotateMotorExPID (byte outputs, char pwr, long angle, char turnpct, bool sync, bool stop, byte p, byte i, byte d)
 Rotate motor Ex with PID factors.
void ResetTachoCount (byte outputs)
 Reset tachometer counter.
void ResetBlockTachoCount (byte outputs)
 Reset block-relative counter.
void ResetRotationCount (byte outputs)
 Reset program-relative counter.
void ResetAllTachoCounts (byte outputs)
 Reset all tachometer counters.
void SetOutput (byte outputs, byte field1, variant val1,..., byte fieldN, variant valN)
 Set output fields.
variant GetOutput (byte output, const byte field)
 Get output field value.
byte MotorMode (byte output)
 Get motor mode.
char MotorPower (byte output)
 Get motor power level.
char MotorActualSpeed (byte output)
 Get motor actual speed.
long MotorTachoCount (byte output)
 Get motor tachometer counter.
long MotorTachoLimit (byte output)
 Get motor tachometer limit.
byte MotorRunState (byte output)
 Get motor run state.
char MotorTurnRatio (byte output)
 Get motor turn ratio.
byte MotorRegulation (byte output)
 Get motor regulation mode.
bool MotorOverload (byte output)
 Get motor overload status.
byte MotorRegPValue (byte output)
 Get motor P value.
byte MotorRegIValue (byte output)
 Get motor I value.
byte MotorRegDValue (byte output)
 Get motor D value.
long MotorBlockTachoCount (byte output)
 Get motor block-relative counter.
long MotorRotationCount (byte output)
 Get motor program-relative counter.
byte MotorOutputOptions (byte output)
 Get motor options.
byte MotorMaxSpeed (byte output)
 Get motor max speed.
byte MotorMaxAcceleration (byte output)
 Get motor max acceleration.
byte MotorPwnFreq ()
 Get motor regulation frequency.
byte MotorRegulationTime ()
 Get motor regulation time.
byte MotorRegulationOptions ()
 Get motor regulation options.
void ResetScreen ()
 Reset LCD screen.
char CircleOut (int x, int y, byte radius, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a circle.
char LineOut (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a line.
char PointOut (int x, int y, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a point.
char RectOut (int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a rectangle.
char TextOut (int x, int y, string str, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw text.
char NumOut (int x, int y, variant value, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a number.
char EllipseOut (int x, int y, byte radiusX, byte radiusY, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw an ellipse.
char PolyOut (LocationType points[], unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a polygon.
char FontTextOut (int x, int y, string filename, string str, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw text with font.
char FontNumOut (int x, int y, string filename, variant value, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a number with font.
char GraphicOut (int x, int y, string filename, unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a graphic image.
char GraphicArrayOut (int x, int y, byte data[], unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a graphic image from byte array.
char GraphicOutEx (int x, int y, string filename, byte vars[], unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a graphic image with parameters.
char GraphicArrayOutEx (int x, int y, byte data[], byte vars[], unsigned long options=DRAW_OPT_NORMAL)
 Draw a graphic image from byte array with parameters.
void GetDisplayNormal (const byte x, const byte line, unsigned int cnt, byte &data[])
 Read pixel data from the normal display buffer.
void SetDisplayNormal (const byte x, const byte line, unsigned int cnt, byte data[])
 Write pixel data to the normal display buffer.
void GetDisplayPopup (const byte x, const byte line, unsigned int cnt, byte &data[])
 Read pixel data from the popup display buffer.
void SetDisplayPopup (const byte x, const byte line, unsigned int cnt, byte data[])
 Write pixel data to the popup display buffer.
unsigned long DisplayEraseMask ()
 Read the display erase mask value.
unsigned long DisplayUpdateMask ()
 Read the display update mask value.
unsigned long DisplayFont ()
 Read the display font memory address.
unsigned long DisplayDisplay ()
 Read the display memory address.
byte DisplayFlags ()
 Read the display flags.
byte DisplayTextLinesCenterFlags ()
 Read the display text lines center flags.
void SysDrawText (DrawTextType &args)
 Draw text.
void SysDrawPoint (DrawPointType &args)
 Draw a point.
void SysDrawLine (DrawLineType &args)
 Draw a line.
void SysDrawCircle (DrawCircleType &args)
 Draw a circle.
void SysDrawRect (DrawRectType &args)
 Draw a rectangle.
void SysDrawGraphic (DrawGraphicType &args)
 Draw a graphic (RIC file).
void SysSetScreenMode (SetScreenModeType &args)
 Set the screen mode.
void SysDisplayExecuteFunction (DisplayExecuteFunctionType &args)
 Execute any Display module command.
byte DisplayContrast ()
 Read the display contrast setting.
void SysDrawGraphicArray (DrawGraphicArrayType &args)
 Draw a graphic image from a byte array.
void SysDrawPolygon (DrawPolygonType &args)
 Draw a polygon.
void SysDrawEllipse (DrawEllipseType &args)
 Draw an ellipse.
void SysDrawFont (DrawFontType &args)
 Draw text using a custom font.
void ClearScreen ()
 Clear LCD screen.
void ClearLine (byte line)
 Clear a line on the LCD screen.
void SetDisplayFont (unsigned long fontaddr)
 Set the display font memory address.
void SetDisplayDisplay (unsigned long dispaddr)
 Set the display memory address.
void SetDisplayEraseMask (unsigned long eraseMask)
 Set the display erase mask.
void SetDisplayFlags (byte flags)
 Set the display flags.
void SetDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags (byte ctrFlags)
 Set the display text lines center flags.
void SetDisplayUpdateMask (unsigned long updateMask)
 Set the display update mask.
void SetDisplayContrast (byte contrast)
 Set the display contrast.
char PlayFile (string filename)
 Play a file.
char PlayFileEx (string filename, byte volume, bool loop, unsigned int sr=0)
 Play a file with extra options.
char PlayTone (unsigned int frequency, unsigned int duration)
 Play a tone.
char PlayToneEx (unsigned int frequency, unsigned int duration, byte volume, bool loop)
 Play a tone with extra options.
byte SoundState ()
 Get sound module state.
byte SoundFlags ()
 Get sound module flags.
byte StopSound ()
 Stop sound.
unsigned int SoundFrequency ()
 Get sound frequency.
unsigned int SoundDuration ()
 Get sound duration.
unsigned int SoundSampleRate ()
 Get sample rate.
byte SoundMode ()
 Get sound mode.
byte SoundVolume ()
 Get volume.
void SetSoundDuration (unsigned int duration)
 Set sound duration.
void SetSoundFlags (byte flags)
 Set sound module flags.
void SetSoundFrequency (unsigned int frequency)
 Set sound frequency.
void SetSoundMode (byte mode)
 Set sound mode.
void SetSoundModuleState (byte state)
 Set sound module state.
void SetSoundSampleRate (unsigned int sampleRate)
 Set sample rate.
void SetSoundVolume (byte volume)
 Set sound volume.
void SysSoundPlayFile (SoundPlayFileType &args)
 Play sound file.
void SysSoundPlayTone (SoundPlayToneType &args)
 Play tone.
void SysSoundGetState (SoundGetStateType &args)
 Get sound state.
void SysSoundSetState (SoundSetStateType &args)
 Set sound state.
void PlaySound (const int &aCode)
 Play a system sound.
void PlayTones (Tone tones[])
 Play multiple tones.
byte SensorUS (const byte port)
 Read ultrasonic sensor value.
byte SensorUS0 (const byte port)
 Read ultrasonic sensor value without wait.
byte SensorUSWait (const byte port, const byte wait)
 Read ultrasonic sensor value with specified wait.
char ReadSensorUSEx (const byte port, byte &values[])
 Read multiple ultrasonic sensor values.
char ReadSensorUSEx0 (const byte port, byte &values[])
 Read multiple ultrasonic sensor values without wait.
char ReadSensorUSExWait (const byte port, byte &values[], const byte wait)
 Read multiple ultrasonic sensor values with specified wait.
char ReadSensorEMeter (const byte &port, float &vIn, float &aIn, float &vOut, float &aOut, int &joules, float &wIn, float &wOut)
 Read the LEGO EMeter values.
char ConfigureTemperatureSensor (const byte &port, const byte &config)
 Configure LEGO Temperature sensor options.
float SensorTemperature (const byte &port)
 Read the LEGO Temperature sensor value.
long LowspeedStatus (const byte port, byte &bytesready)
 Get lowspeed status.
long LowspeedCheckStatus (const byte port)
 Check lowspeed status.
byte LowspeedBytesReady (const byte port)
 Get lowspeed bytes ready.
long LowspeedWrite (const byte port, byte retlen, byte buffer[])
 Write lowspeed data.
long LowspeedRead (const byte port, byte buflen, byte &buffer[])
 Read lowspeed data.
long I2CStatus (const byte port, byte &bytesready)
 Get I2C status.
long I2CCheckStatus (const byte port)
 Check I2C status.
byte I2CBytesReady (const byte port)
 Get I2C bytes ready.
long I2CWrite (const byte port, byte retlen, byte buffer[])
 Write I2C data.
long I2CRead (const byte port, byte buflen, byte &buffer[])
 Read I2C data.
long I2CBytes (const byte port, byte inbuf[], byte &count, byte &outbuf[])
 Perform an I2C write/read transaction.
char ReadI2CRegister (byte port, byte i2caddr, byte reg, byte &out)
 Read I2C register.
char WriteI2CRegister (byte port, byte i2caddr, byte reg, byte val)
 Write I2C register.
string I2CDeviceInfo (byte port, byte i2caddr, byte info)
 Read I2C device information.
string I2CVersion (byte port, byte i2caddr)
 Read I2C device version.
string I2CVendorId (byte port, byte i2caddr)
 Read I2C device vendor.
string I2CDeviceId (byte port, byte i2caddr)
 Read I2C device identifier.
long I2CSendCommand (byte port, byte i2caddr, byte cmd)
 Send an I2C command.
void GetLSInputBuffer (const byte port, const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get I2C input buffer data.
void GetLSOutputBuffer (const byte port, const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get I2C output buffer data.
byte LSInputBufferInPtr (const byte port)
 Get I2C input buffer in-pointer.
byte LSInputBufferOutPtr (const byte port)
 Get I2C input buffer out-pointer.
byte LSInputBufferBytesToRx (const byte port)
 Get I2C input buffer bytes to rx.
byte LSOutputBufferInPtr (const byte port)
 Get I2C output buffer in-pointer.
byte LSOutputBufferOutPtr (const byte port)
 Get I2C output buffer out-pointer.
byte LSOutputBufferBytesToRx (const byte port)
 Get I2C output buffer bytes to rx.
byte LSMode (const byte port)
 Get I2C mode.
byte LSChannelState (const byte port)
 Get I2C channel state.
byte LSErrorType (const byte port)
 Get I2C error type.
byte LSState ()
 Get I2C state.
byte LSSpeed ()
 Get I2C speed.
byte LSNoRestartOnRead ()
 Get I2C no restart on read setting.
void SetI2COptions (byte port, byte options)
 Set I2C options.
void SysCommLSWrite (CommLSWriteType &args)
 Write to a Lowspeed sensor.
void SysCommLSRead (CommLSReadType &args)
 Read from a Lowspeed sensor.
void SysCommLSCheckStatus (CommLSCheckStatusType &args)
 Check Lowspeed sensor status.
void SysCommLSWriteEx (CommLSWriteExType &args)
 Write to a Lowspeed sensor (extra).
unsigned long CurrentTick ()
 Read the current system tick.
unsigned long FirstTick ()
 Get the first tick.
long ResetSleepTimer ()
 Reset the sleep timer.
void SysCall (byte funcID, variant &args)
 Call any system function.
void SysGetStartTick (GetStartTickType &args)
 Get start tick.
void SysKeepAlive (KeepAliveType &args)
 Keep alive.
void SysIOMapRead (IOMapReadType &args)
 Read from IOMap by name.
void SysIOMapWrite (IOMapWriteType &args)
 Write to IOMap by name.
void SysIOMapReadByID (IOMapReadByIDType &args)
 Read from IOMap by identifier.
void SysIOMapWriteByID (IOMapWriteByIDType &args)
 Write to IOMap by identifier.
void SysDatalogWrite (DatalogWriteType &args)
 Write to the datalog.
void SysDatalogGetTimes (DatalogGetTimesType &args)
 Get datalog times.
void SysReadSemData (ReadSemDataType &args)
 Read semaphore data.
void SysWriteSemData (WriteSemDataType &args)
 Write semaphore data.
void SysUpdateCalibCacheInfo (UpdateCalibCacheInfoType &args)
 Update calibration cache information.
void SysComputeCalibValue (ComputeCalibValueType &args)
 Compute calibration values.
char GetMemoryInfo (bool Compact, unsigned int &PoolSize, unsigned int &DataspaceSize)
 Read memory information.
void SysMemoryManager (MemoryManagerType &args)
 Read memory information.
char GetLastResponseInfo (bool Clear, byte &Length, byte &Command, byte &Buffer[])
 Read last response information.
void SysReadLastResponse (ReadLastResponseType &args)
 Read last response information.
void Wait (unsigned long ms)
 Wait some milliseconds.
void Yield ()
 Yield to another task.
void StopAllTasks ()
 Stop all tasks.
void Stop (bool bvalue)
 Stop the running program.
void ExitTo (task newTask)
 Exit to another task.
void Precedes (task task1, task task2,..., task taskN)
 Declare tasks that this task precedes.
void Follows (task task1, task task2,..., task taskN)
 Declare tasks that this task follows.
void Acquire (mutex m)
 Acquire a mutex.
void Release (mutex m)
 Acquire a mutex.
void StartTask (task t)
 Start a task.
void StopTask (task t)
 Stop a task.
void BranchTest (const byte cmp, constant void lbl, variant value)
 Branch if test is true.
void BranchComp (const byte cmp, constant void lbl, variant v1, variant v2)
 Branch if compare is true.
void ArrayBuild (variant &aout[], variant src1, variant src2,..., variant srcN)
 Build an array.
unsigned int ArrayLen (variant data[])
 Get array length.
void ArrayInit (variant &aout[], variant value, unsigned int count)
 Initialize an array.
void ArraySubset (variant &aout[], variant asrc[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Copy an array subset.
void ArrayIndex (variant &out, variant asrc[], unsigned int idx)
 Extract item from an array.
void ArrayReplace (variant &asrc[], unsigned int idx, variant value)
 Replace items in an array.
variant ArraySum (const variant &src[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Calculate the sum of the elements in a numeric array.
variant ArrayMean (const variant &src[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Calculate the mean of the elements in a numeric array.
variant ArraySumSqr (const variant &src[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Calculate the sum of the squares of the elements in a numeric array.
variant ArrayStd (const variant &src[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Calculate the standard deviation of the elements in a numeric array.
variant ArrayMin (const variant &src[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Calculate the minimum of the elements in a numeric array.
variant ArrayMax (const variant &src[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Calculate the maximum of the elements in a numeric array.
void ArraySort (variant &dest[], const variant &src[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Sort the elements in a numeric array.
string UpperCase (string src)
 Uppercase the characters in a string.
string LowerCase (string src)
 Lowercase the characters in a string.
string UpperCaseEx (string src, unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Uppercase some of the characters in a string.
string LowerCaseEx (string src, unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Lowercase some of the characters in a string.
void ArrayOp (const byte op, variant &dest, const variant &src[], unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Operate on numeric arrays.
void SetIOMapBytes (string moduleName, unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte data[])
 Set IOMap bytes by name.
void SetIOMapValue (string moduleName, unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set IOMap value by name.
void GetIOMapBytes (string moduleName, unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte &data[])
 Get IOMap bytes by name.
void GetIOMapValue (string moduleName, unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get IOMap value by name.
void GetLowSpeedModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte &data[])
 Get Lowspeed module IOMap bytes.
void GetDisplayModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte &data[])
 Get Display module IOMap bytes.
void GetCommModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte &data[])
 Get Comm module IOMap bytes.
void GetCommandModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte &data[])
 Get Command module IOMap bytes.
void SetCommandModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte data[])
 Set Command module IOMap bytes.
void SetLowSpeedModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte data[])
 Set Lowspeed module IOMap bytes.
void SetDisplayModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte data[])
 Set Display module IOMap bytes.
void SetCommModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte data[])
 Set Comm module IOMap bytes.
void SetSoundModuleBytes (unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte data[])
 Set Sound module IOMap bytes.
void SetIOMapBytesByID (unsigned long moduleId, unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte data[])
 Set IOMap bytes by ID.
void SetIOMapValueByID (unsigned long moduleId, unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set IOMap value by ID.
void GetIOMapBytesByID (unsigned long moduleId, unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, byte &data[])
 Get IOMap bytes by ID.
void GetIOMapValueByID (unsigned long moduleId, unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get IOMap value by ID.
void SetCommandModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Command module IOMap value.
void SetIOCtrlModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set IOCtrl module IOMap value.
void SetLoaderModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Loader module IOMap value.
void SetUIModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Ui module IOMap value.
void SetSoundModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Sound module IOMap value.
void SetButtonModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Button module IOMap value.
void SetInputModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Input module IOMap value.
void SetOutputModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Output module IOMap value.
void SetLowSpeedModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Lowspeed module IOMap value.
void SetDisplayModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Display module IOMap value.
void SetCommModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant value)
 Set Comm module IOMap value.
void GetCommandModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Command module IOMap value.
void GetLoaderModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Loader module IOMap value.
void GetSoundModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Sound module IOMap value.
void GetButtonModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Button module IOMap value.
void GetUIModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Ui module IOMap value.
void GetInputModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Input module IOMap value.
void GetOutputModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Output module IOMap value.
void GetLowSpeedModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get LowSpeed module IOMap value.
void GetDisplayModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Display module IOMap value.
void GetCommModuleValue (unsigned int offset, variant &value)
 Get Comm module IOMap value.
void PowerDown ()
 Power down the NXT.
void SleepNow ()
 Put the brick to sleep immediately.
void RebootInFirmwareMode ()
 Reboot the NXT in firmware download mode.
char JoystickMessageRead (byte queue, JoystickMessageType &msg)
 Read a joystick message from a queue/mailbox.
char JoystickExMessageRead (byte queue, JoystickExMessageType &msg)
 Read an extended joystick message from a queue/mailbox.
char SendMessage (byte queue, string msg)
 Send a message to a queue/mailbox.
char ReceiveMessage (byte queue, bool clear, string &msg)
 Read a message from a queue/mailbox.
char BluetoothStatus (byte conn)
 Check bluetooth status.
char BluetoothWrite (byte conn, byte buffer[])
 Write to a bluetooth connection.
char RemoteConnectionWrite (byte conn, byte buffer[])
 Write to a remote connection.
bool RemoteConnectionIdle (byte conn)
 Check if remote connection is idle.
char SendRemoteBool (byte conn, byte queue, bool bval)
 Send a boolean value to a remote mailbox.
char SendRemoteNumber (byte conn, byte queue, long val)
 Send a numeric value to a remote mailbox.
char SendRemoteString (byte conn, byte queue, string str)
 Send a string value to a remote mailbox.
char SendResponseBool (byte queue, bool bval)
 Write a boolean value to a local response mailbox.
char SendResponseNumber (byte queue, long val)
 Write a numeric value to a local response mailbox.
char SendResponseString (byte queue, string str)
 Write a string value to a local response mailbox.
char ReceiveRemoteBool (byte queue, bool clear, bool &bval)
 Read a boolean value from a queue/mailbox.
char ReceiveRemoteMessageEx (byte queue, bool clear, string &str, long &val, bool &bval)
 Read a value from a queue/mailbox.
char ReceiveRemoteNumber (byte queue, bool clear, long &val)
 Read a numeric value from a queue/mailbox.
char ReceiveRemoteString (byte queue, bool clear, string &str)
 Read a string value from a queue/mailbox.
char RemoteKeepAlive (byte conn)
 Send a KeepAlive message.
char RemoteMessageRead (byte conn, byte queue)
 Send a MessageRead message.
char RemoteMessageWrite (byte conn, byte queue, string msg)
 Send a MessageWrite message.
char RemotePlaySoundFile (byte conn, string filename, bool bloop)
 Send a PlaySoundFile message.
char RemotePlayTone (byte conn, unsigned int frequency, unsigned int duration)
 Send a PlayTone message.
char RemoteResetMotorPosition (byte conn, byte port, bool brelative)
 Send a ResetMotorPosition message.
char RemoteResetScaledValue (byte conn, byte port)
 Send a ResetScaledValue message.
char RemoteSetInputMode (byte conn, byte port, byte type, byte mode)
 Send a SetInputMode message.
char RemoteSetOutputState (byte conn, byte port, char speed, byte mode, byte regmode, char turnpct, byte runstate, unsigned long tacholimit)
 Send a SetOutputMode message.
char RemoteStartProgram (byte conn, string filename)
 Send a StartProgram message.
char RemoteStopProgram (byte conn)
 Send a StopProgram message.
char RemoteStopSound (byte conn)
 Send a StopSound message.
char RemoteGetOutputState (byte conn, OutputStateType &params)
 Send a GetOutputState message.
char RemoteGetInputValues (byte conn, InputValuesType &params)
 Send a GetInputValues message.
char RemoteGetBatteryLevel (byte conn, int &value)
 Send a GetBatteryLevel message.
char RemoteLowspeedGetStatus (byte conn, byte &value)
 Send a LowspeedGetStatus message.
char RemoteLowspeedRead (byte conn, byte port, byte &bread, byte &data[])
 Send a LowspeedRead message.
char RemoteGetCurrentProgramName (byte conn, string &name)
 Send a GetCurrentProgramName message.
char RemoteDatalogRead (byte conn, bool remove, byte &cnt, byte &log[])
 Send a DatalogRead message.
char RemoteGetContactCount (byte conn, byte &cnt)
 Send a GetContactCount message.
char RemoteGetContactName (byte conn, byte idx, string &name)
 Send a GetContactName message.
char RemoteGetConnectionCount (byte conn, byte &cnt)
 Send a GetConnectionCount message.
char RemoteGetConnectionName (byte conn, byte idx, string &name)
 Send a GetConnectionName message.
char RemoteGetProperty (byte conn, byte property, variant &value)
 Send a GetProperty message.
char RemoteResetTachoCount (byte conn, byte port)
 Send a ResetTachoCount message.
char RemoteDatalogSetTimes (byte conn, long synctime)
 Send a DatalogSetTimes message.
char RemoteSetProperty (byte conn, byte prop, variant value)
 Send a SetProperty message.
char RemoteLowspeedWrite (byte conn, byte port, byte txlen, byte rxlen, byte data[])
 Send a LowspeedWrite message.
char RemoteOpenRead (byte conn, string filename, byte &handle, long &size)
 Send an OpenRead message.
char RemoteOpenAppendData (byte conn, string filename, byte &handle, long &size)
 Send an OpenAppendData message.
char RemoteDeleteFile (byte conn, string filename)
 Send a DeleteFile message.
char RemoteFindFirstFile (byte conn, string mask, byte &handle, string &name, long &size)
 Send a FindFirstFile message.
char RemoteGetFirmwareVersion (byte conn, byte &pmin, byte &pmaj, byte &fmin, byte &fmaj)
 Send a GetFirmwareVersion message.
char RemoteGetBluetoothAddress (byte conn, byte &btaddr[])
 Send a GetBluetoothAddress message.
char RemoteGetDeviceInfo (byte conn, string &name, byte &btaddr[], byte &btsignal[], long &freemem)
 Send a GetDeviceInfo message.
char RemoteDeleteUserFlash (byte conn)
 Send a DeleteUserFlash message.
char RemoteOpenWrite (byte conn, string filename, long size, byte &handle)
 Send an OpenWrite message.
char RemoteOpenWriteLinear (byte conn, string filename, long size, byte &handle)
 Send an OpenWriteLinear message.
char RemoteOpenWriteData (byte conn, string filename, long size, byte &handle)
 Send an OpenWriteData message.
char RemoteCloseFile (byte conn, byte handle)
 Send a CloseFile message.
char RemoteFindNextFile (byte conn, byte &handle, string &name, long &size)
 Send a FindNextFile message.
char RemotePollCommandLength (byte conn, byte bufnum, byte &length)
 Send a PollCommandLength message.
char RemoteWrite (byte conn, byte &handle, int &numbytes, byte data[])
 Send a Write message.
char RemoteRead (byte conn, byte &handle, int &numbytes, byte &data[])
 Send a Read message.
char RemoteIOMapRead (byte conn, long id, int offset, int &numbytes, byte &data[])
 Send an IOMapRead message.
char RemotePollCommand (byte conn, byte bufnum, byte &len, byte &data[])
 Send a PollCommand message.
char RemoteRenameFile (byte conn, string oldname, string newname)
 Send a RenameFile message.
char RemoteBluetoothFactoryReset (byte conn)
 Send a BluetoothFactoryReset message.
char RemoteIOMapWriteValue (byte conn, long id, int offset, variant value)
 Send an IOMapWrite value message.
char RemoteIOMapWriteBytes (byte conn, long id, int offset, byte data[])
 Send an IOMapWrite bytes message.
char RemoteSetBrickName (byte conn, string name)
 Send a SetBrickName message.
void UseRS485 (void)
 Use the RS485 port.
char RS485Control (byte cmd, byte baud, unsigned int mode)
 Control the RS485 port.
byte RS485DataAvailable (void)
 Check for RS485 available data.
char RS485Initialize (void)
 Initialize RS485 port.
char RS485Disable (void)
 Disable RS485.
char RS485Enable (void)
 Enable RS485.
char RS485Read (byte &buffer[])
 Read RS485 data.
char RS485ReadEx (byte &buffer[], byte buflen)
 Read limited RS485 data.
byte RS485SendingData (void)
 Is RS485 sending data.
void RS485Status (byte &sendingData, byte &dataAvail)
 Check RS485 status.
char RS485Uart (byte baud, unsigned int mode)
 Configure RS485 UART.
char RS485Write (byte buffer[])
 Write RS485 data.
char SendRS485Bool (bool bval)
 Write RS485 boolean.
char SendRS485Number (long val)
 Write RS485 numeric.
char SendRS485String (string str)
 Write RS485 string.
void GetBTInputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get bluetooth input buffer data.
void GetBTOutputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get bluetooth output buffer data.
void GetHSInputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get hi-speed port input buffer data.
void GetHSOutputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get hi-speed port output buffer data.
void GetUSBInputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get usb input buffer data.
void GetUSBOutputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get usb output buffer data.
void GetUSBPollBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte &data[])
 Get usb poll buffer data.
string BTDeviceName (const byte devidx)
 Get bluetooth device name.
string BTConnectionName (const byte conn)
 Get bluetooth device name.
string BTConnectionPinCode (const byte conn)
 Get bluetooth device pin code.
string BrickDataName (void)
 Get NXT name.
void GetBTDeviceAddress (const byte devidx, byte &data[])
 Get bluetooth device address.
void GetBTConnectionAddress (const byte conn, byte &data[])
 Get bluetooth device address.
void GetBrickDataAddress (byte &data[])
 Get NXT address.
long BTDeviceClass (const byte devidx)
 Get bluetooth device class.
byte BTDeviceStatus (const byte devidx)
 Get bluetooth device status.
long BTConnectionClass (const byte conn)
 Get bluetooth device class.
byte BTConnectionHandleNum (const byte conn)
 Get bluetooth device handle number.
byte BTConnectionStreamStatus (const byte conn)
 Get bluetooth device stream status.
byte BTConnectionLinkQuality (const byte conn)
 Get bluetooth device link quality.
int BrickDataBluecoreVersion (void)
 Get NXT bluecore version.
byte BrickDataBtStateStatus (void)
 Get NXT bluetooth state status.
byte BrickDataBtHardwareStatus (void)
 Get NXT bluetooth hardware status.
byte BrickDataTimeoutValue (void)
 Get NXT bluetooth timeout value.
byte BTInputBufferInPtr (void)
 Get bluetooth input buffer in-pointer.
byte BTInputBufferOutPtr (void)
 Get bluetooth input buffer out-pointer.
byte BTOutputBufferInPtr (void)
 Get bluetooth output buffer in-pointer.
byte BTOutputBufferOutPtr (void)
 Get bluetooth output buffer out-pointer.
byte HSInputBufferInPtr (void)
 Get hi-speed port input buffer in-pointer.
byte HSInputBufferOutPtr (void)
 Get hi-speed port input buffer out-pointer.
byte HSOutputBufferInPtr (void)
 Get hi-speed port output buffer in-pointer.
byte HSOutputBufferOutPtr (void)
 Get hi-speed port output buffer out-pointer.
byte USBInputBufferInPtr (void)
 Get usb port input buffer in-pointer.
byte USBInputBufferOutPtr (void)
 Get usb port input buffer out-pointer.
byte USBOutputBufferInPtr (void)
 Get usb port output buffer in-pointer.
byte USBOutputBufferOutPtr (void)
 Get usb port output buffer out-pointer.
byte USBPollBufferInPtr (void)
 Get usb port poll buffer in-pointer.
byte USBPollBufferOutPtr (void)
 Get usb port poll buffer out-pointer.
byte BTDeviceCount (void)
 Get bluetooth device count.
byte BTDeviceNameCount (void)
 Get bluetooth device name count.
byte HSFlags (void)
 Get hi-speed port flags.
byte HSSpeed (void)
 Get hi-speed port speed.
byte HSState (void)
 Get hi-speed port state.
byte HSAddress (void)
 Get hi-speed port address.
int HSMode (void)
 Get hi-speed port mode.
int BTDataMode (void)
 Get Bluetooth data mode.
int HSDataMode (void)
 Get hi-speed port datamode.
byte USBState (void)
 Get USB state.
void SetBTInputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte data[])
 Set bluetooth input buffer data.
void SetBTInputBufferInPtr (byte n)
 Set bluetooth input buffer in-pointer.
void SetBTInputBufferOutPtr (byte n)
 Set bluetooth input buffer out-pointer.
void SetBTOutputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte data[])
 Set bluetooth output buffer data.
void SetBTOutputBufferInPtr (byte n)
 Set bluetooth output buffer in-pointer.
void SetBTOutputBufferOutPtr (byte n)
 Set bluetooth output buffer out-pointer.
void SetHSInputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte data[])
 Set hi-speed port input buffer data.
void SetHSInputBufferInPtr (byte n)
 Set hi-speed port input buffer in-pointer.
void SetHSInputBufferOutPtr (byte n)
 Set hi-speed port input buffer out-pointer.
void SetHSOutputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte data[])
 Set hi-speed port output buffer data.
void SetHSOutputBufferInPtr (byte n)
 Set hi-speed port output buffer in-pointer.
void SetHSOutputBufferOutPtr (byte n)
 Set hi-speed port output buffer out-pointer.
void SetUSBInputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte data[])
 Set USB input buffer data.
void SetUSBInputBufferInPtr (byte n)
 Set USB input buffer in-pointer.
void SetUSBInputBufferOutPtr (byte n)
 Set USB input buffer out-pointer.
void SetUSBOutputBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte data[])
 Set USB output buffer data.
void SetUSBOutputBufferInPtr (byte n)
 Set USB output buffer in-pointer.
void SetUSBOutputBufferOutPtr (byte n)
 Set USB output buffer out-pointer.
void SetUSBPollBuffer (const byte offset, byte cnt, byte data[])
 Set USB poll buffer data.
void SetUSBPollBufferInPtr (byte n)
 Set USB poll buffer in-pointer.
void SetUSBPollBufferOutPtr (byte n)
 Set USB poll buffer out-pointer.
void SetHSFlags (byte hsFlags)
 Set hi-speed port flags.
void SetHSSpeed (byte hsSpeed)
 Set hi-speed port speed.
void SetHSState (byte hsState)
 Set hi-speed port state.
void SetHSAddress (byte hsAddress)
 Set hi-speed port address.
void SetHSMode (unsigned int hsMode)
 Set hi-speed port mode.
void SetBTDataMode (const byte dataMode)
 Set Bluetooth data mode.
void SetHSDataMode (const byte dataMode)
 Set hi-speed port data mode.
void SetUSBState (byte usbState)
 Set USB state.
void SysMessageWrite (MessageWriteType &args)
 Write message.
void SysMessageRead (MessageReadType &args)
 Read message.
void SysCommBTWrite (CommBTWriteType &args)
 Write data to a Bluetooth connection.
void SysCommBTCheckStatus (CommBTCheckStatusType &args)
 Check Bluetooth connection status.
void SysCommExecuteFunction (CommExecuteFunctionType &args)
 Execute any Comm module command.
void SysCommHSControl (CommHSControlType &args)
 Control the hi-speed port.
void SysCommHSCheckStatus (CommHSCheckStatusType &args)
 Check the hi-speed port status.
void SysCommHSRead (CommHSReadWriteType &args)
 Read from the hi-speed port.
void SysCommHSWrite (CommHSReadWriteType &args)
 Write to the hi-speed port.
void SysCommBTOnOff (CommBTOnOffType &args)
 Turn on or off the bluetooth subsystem.
void SysCommBTConnection (CommBTConnectionType &args)
 Connect or disconnect a bluetooth device.
bool ButtonPressed (const byte btn, bool resetCount=false)
 Check for button press.
byte ButtonCount (const byte btn, bool resetCount=false)
 Get button press count.
char ReadButtonEx (const byte btn, bool reset, bool &pressed, unsigned int &count)
 Read button information.
byte ButtonPressCount (const byte btn)
 Get button press count.
byte ButtonLongPressCount (const byte btn)
 Get button long press count.
byte ButtonShortReleaseCount (const byte btn)
 Get button short release count.
byte ButtonLongReleaseCount (const byte btn)
 Get button long release count.
byte ButtonReleaseCount (const byte btn)
 Get button release count.
byte ButtonState (const byte btn)
 Get button state.
void SetButtonLongPressCount (const byte btn, const byte n)
 Set button long press count.
void SetButtonLongReleaseCount (const byte btn, const byte n)
 Set button long release count.
void SetButtonPressCount (const byte btn, const byte n)
 Set button press count.
void SetButtonReleaseCount (const byte btn, const byte n)
 Set button release count.
void SetButtonShortReleaseCount (const byte btn, const byte n)
 Set button short release count.
void SetButtonState (const byte btn, const byte state)
 Set button state.
void SysReadButton (ReadButtonType &args)
 Read button.
byte CommandFlags (void)
 Get command flags.
byte UIState (void)
 Get UI module state.
byte UIButton (void)
 Read UI button.
byte VMRunState (void)
 Read VM run state.
byte BatteryState (void)
 Get battery state.
byte BluetoothState (void)
 Get bluetooth state.
byte UsbState (void)
 Get UI module USB state.
byte SleepTimeout (void)
 Read sleep timeout.
byte SleepTime (void)
 Read sleep time.
byte SleepTimer (void)
 Read sleep timer.
bool RechargeableBattery (void)
 Read battery type.
byte Volume (void)
 Read volume.
byte OnBrickProgramPointer (void)
 Read the on brick program pointer value.
byte AbortFlag (void)
 Read abort flag.
byte LongAbort (void)
 Read long abort setting.
unsigned int BatteryLevel (void)
 Get battery Level.
void SetCommandFlags (const byte cmdFlags)
 Set command flags.
void SetUIButton (byte btn)
 Set UI button.
void SetUIState (byte state)
 Set UI state.
void SetVMRunState (const byte vmRunState)
 Set VM run state.
void SetBatteryState (byte state)
 Set battery state.
void SetBluetoothState (byte state)
 Set bluetooth state.
void SetSleepTimeout (const byte n)
 Set sleep timeout.
void SetSleepTime (const byte n)
 Set sleep time.
void SetSleepTimer (const byte n)
 Set the sleep timer.
void SetVolume (byte volume)
 Set volume.
void SetOnBrickProgramPointer (byte obpStep)
 Set on-brick program pointer.
void ForceOff (byte num)
 Turn off NXT.
void SetAbortFlag (byte abortFlag)
 Set abort flag.
void SetLongAbort (bool longAbort)
 Set long abort.
void SysSetSleepTimeout (SetSleepTimeoutType &args)
 Set system sleep timeout.
unsigned int FreeMemory (void)
 Get free flash memory.
unsigned int CreateFile (string fname, unsigned int fsize, byte &handle)
 Create a file.
unsigned int OpenFileAppend (string fname, unsigned int &fsize, byte &handle)
 Open a file for appending.
unsigned int OpenFileRead (string fname, unsigned int &fsize, byte &handle)
 Open a file for reading.
unsigned int CloseFile (byte handle)
 Close a file.
unsigned int ResolveHandle (string filename, byte &handle, bool &writable)
 Resolve a handle.
unsigned int RenameFile (string oldname, string newname)
 Rename a file.
unsigned int DeleteFile (string fname)
 Delete a file.
unsigned int ResizeFile (string fname, const unsigned int newsize)
 Resize a file.
unsigned int CreateFileLinear (string fname, unsigned int fsize, byte &handle)
 Create a linear file.
unsigned int CreateFileNonLinear (string fname, unsigned int fsize, byte &handle)
 Create a non-linear file.
unsigned int OpenFileReadLinear (string fname, unsigned int &fsize, byte &handle)
 Open a linear file for reading.
unsigned int FindFirstFile (string &fname, byte &handle)
 Start searching for files.
unsigned int FindNextFile (string &fname, byte &handle)
 Continue searching for files.
unsigned int SizeOf (variant &value)
 Calculate the size of a variable.
unsigned int TypeOf (variant &value)
 Return the type of a variable.
unsigned int Read (byte handle, variant &value)
 Read a value from a file.
unsigned int ReadLn (byte handle, variant &value)
 Read a value from a file plus line ending.
unsigned int ReadBytes (byte handle, unsigned int &length, byte &buf[])
 Read bytes from a file.
unsigned int ReadLnString (byte handle, string &output)
 Read a string from a file plus line ending.
unsigned int Write (byte handle, const variant &value)
 Write value to file.
unsigned int WriteBytes (byte handle, const byte &buf[], unsigned int &cnt)
 Write bytes to file.
unsigned int WriteBytesEx (byte handle, unsigned int &len, const byte &buf[])
 Write bytes to a file with limit.
unsigned int WriteLn (byte handle, const variant &value)
 Write a value and new line to a file.
unsigned int WriteLnString (byte handle, const string &str, unsigned int &cnt)
 Write string and new line to a file.
unsigned int WriteString (byte handle, const string &str, unsigned int &cnt)
 Write string to a file.
void SysFileOpenRead (FileOpenType &args)
 Open file for reading.
void SysFileOpenWrite (FileOpenType &args)
 Open and create file for writing.
void SysFileOpenAppend (FileOpenType &args)
 Open file for writing at end of file.
void SysFileRead (FileReadWriteType &args)
 Read from file.
void SysFileWrite (FileReadWriteType &args)
 File write.
void SysFileClose (FileCloseType &args)
 Close file handle.
void SysFileResolveHandle (FileResolveHandleType &args)
 File resolve handle.
void SysFileRename (FileRenameType &args)
 Rename file.
void SysFileDelete (FileDeleteType &args)
 Delete file.
void SysLoaderExecuteFunction (LoaderExecuteFunctionType &args)
 Execute any Loader module command.
void SysFileFindFirst (FileFindType &args)
 Start finding files.
void SysFileFindNext (FileFindType &args)
 Continue finding files.
void SysFileOpenWriteLinear (FileOpenType &args)
 Open and create linear file for writing.
void SysFileOpenWriteNonLinear (FileOpenType &args)
 Open and create non-linear file for writing.
void SysFileOpenReadLinear (FileOpenType &args)
 Open linear file for reading.
void SysFileSeek (FileSeekType &args)
 Seek to file position.
void SysFileResize (FileResizeType &args)
 Resize a file.
void SysFileTell (FileTellType &args)
 Return the file position.
void SysListFiles (ListFilesType &args)
 List files.
void SetSensorHTGyro (const byte &port)
 Set sensor as HiTechnic Gyro.
void SetSensorHTMagnet (const byte &port)
 Set sensor as HiTechnic Magnet.
void SetSensorHTEOPD (const byte &port, bool bStandard=true)
 Set sensor as HiTechnic EOPD.
void SetSensorHTForce (const byte &port)
 Set sensor as HiTechnic Force.
int SensorHTGyro (const byte &port, int offset=0)
 Read HiTechnic Gyro sensor.
int SensorHTMagnet (const byte &port, int offset=0)
 Read HiTechnic Magnet sensor.
int SensorHTEOPD (const byte &port)
 Read HiTechnic EOPD sensor.
int SensorHTForce (const byte &port)
 Read HiTechnic Force sensor.
int SensorHTColorNum (const byte &port)
 Read HiTechnic color sensor color number.
int SensorHTCompass (const byte &port)
 Read HiTechnic compass.
int SensorHTIRSeekerDir (const byte &port)
 Read HiTechnic IRSeeker direction.
int SensorHTIRSeeker2Addr (const byte &port, const byte reg)
 Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 register.
int SensorHTIRSeeker2DCDir (const byte &port)
 Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 DC direction.
int SensorHTIRSeeker2ACDir (const byte &port)
 Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 AC direction.
char SetHTColor2Mode (const byte &port, byte mode)
 Set HiTechnic Color2 mode.
char SetHTIRSeeker2Mode (const byte &port, const byte mode)
 Set HiTechnic IRSeeker2 mode.
bool ReadSensorHTAccel (const byte port, int &x, int &y, int &z)
 Read HiTechnic acceleration values.
bool ReadSensorHTColor (const byte port, byte &ColorNum, byte &Red, byte &Green, byte &Blue)
 Read HiTechnic Color values.
bool ReadSensorHTIRSeeker (const byte port, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s3, byte &s5, byte &s7, byte &s9)
 Read HiTechnic IRSeeker values.
bool ReadSensorHTNormalizedColor (const byte port, byte &ColorIdx, byte &Red, byte &Green, byte &Blue)
 Read HiTechnic Color normalized values.
bool ReadSensorHTRawColor (const byte port, unsigned int &Red, unsigned int &Green, unsigned int &Blue)
 Read HiTechnic Color raw values.
bool ReadSensorHTColor2Active (byte port, byte &ColorNum, byte &Red, byte &Green, byte &Blue, byte &White)
 Read HiTechnic Color2 active values.
bool ReadSensorHTNormalizedColor2Active (const byte port, byte &ColorIdx, byte &Red, byte &Green, byte &Blue)
 Read HiTechnic Color2 normalized active values.
bool ReadSensorHTRawColor2 (const byte port, unsigned int &Red, unsigned int &Green, unsigned int &Blue, unsigned int &White)
 Read HiTechnic Color2 raw values.
bool ReadSensorHTIRReceiver (const byte port, char &pfdata[])
 Read HiTechnic IRReceiver Power Function bytes.
bool ReadSensorHTIRReceiverEx (const byte port, const byte offset, char &pfchar)
 Read HiTechnic IRReceiver Power Function value.
bool ReadSensorHTIRSeeker2AC (const byte port, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s3, byte &s5, byte &s7, byte &s9)
 Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 AC values.
bool ReadSensorHTIRSeeker2DC (const byte port, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s3, byte &s5, byte &s7, byte &s9, byte &avg)
 Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 DC values.
char ResetSensorHTAngle (const byte port, const byte mode)
 Reset HiTechnic Angle sensor.
bool ReadSensorHTAngle (const byte port, int &Angle, long &AccAngle, int &RPM)
 Read HiTechnic Angle sensor values.
bool ResetHTBarometricCalibration (byte port)
 Reset HiTechnic Barometric sensor calibration.
bool SetHTBarometricCalibration (byte port, unsigned int cal)
 Set HiTechnic Barometric sensor calibration.
bool ReadSensorHTBarometric (const byte port, int &temp, unsigned int &press)
 Read HiTechnic Barometric sensor values.
int SensorHTProtoAnalog (const byte port, const byte input)
 Read HiTechnic Prototype board analog input value.
bool ReadSensorHTProtoAllAnalog (const byte port, int &a0, int &a1, int &a2, int &a3, int &a4)
 Read all HiTechnic Prototype board analog input values.
bool SetSensorHTProtoDigitalControl (const byte port, byte value)
 Control HiTechnic Prototype board digital pin direction.
byte SensorHTProtoDigitalControl (const byte port)
 Read HiTechnic Prototype board digital control values.
bool SetSensorHTProtoDigital (const byte port, byte value)
 Set HiTechnic Prototype board digital output values.
byte SensorHTProtoDigital (const byte port)
 Read HiTechnic Prototype board digital input values.
int SensorHTSuperProAnalog (const byte port, const byte input)
 Read HiTechnic SuperPro board analog input value.
bool ReadSensorHTSuperProAllAnalog (const byte port, int &a0, int &a1, int &a2, int &a3)
 Read all HiTechnic SuperPro board analog input values.
bool SetSensorHTSuperProDigitalControl (const byte port, byte value)
 Control HiTechnic SuperPro board digital pin direction.
byte SensorHTSuperProDigitalControl (const byte port)
 Read HiTechnic SuperPro board digital control values.
bool SetSensorHTSuperProDigital (const byte port, byte value)
 Set HiTechnic SuperPro board digital output values.
byte SensorHTSuperProDigital (const byte port)
 Read HiTechnic SuperPro board digital input values.
bool SetSensorHTSuperProLED (const byte port, byte value)
 Set HiTechnic SuperPro LED value.
byte SensorHTSuperProLED (const byte port)
 Read HiTechnic SuperPro LED value.
bool SetSensorHTSuperProStrobe (const byte port, byte value)
 Set HiTechnic SuperPro strobe value.
byte SensorHTSuperProStrobe (const byte port)
 Read HiTechnic SuperPro strobe value.
bool SetSensorHTSuperProProgramControl (const byte port, byte value)
 Set HiTechnic SuperPro program control value.
byte SensorHTSuperProProgramControl (const byte port)
 Read HiTechnic SuperPro program control value.
bool SetSensorHTSuperProAnalogOut (const byte port, const byte dac, byte mode, int freq, int volt)
 Set HiTechnic SuperPro board analog output parameters.
bool ReadSensorHTSuperProAnalogOut (const byte port, const byte dac, byte &mode, int &freq, int &volt)
 Read HiTechnic SuperPro board analog output parameters.
bool SetSensorHTPIRDeadband (const byte port, byte value)
 Set HiTechnic PIR deadband value.
char SensorHTPIR (const byte port)
 Read HiTechnic PIR measurement value.
void ReadSensorHTTouchMultiplexer (const byte port, byte &t1, byte &t2, byte &t3, byte &t4)
 Read HiTechnic touch multiplexer.
char HTIRTrain (const byte port, const byte channel, const byte func)
 HTIRTrain function.
char HTPFComboDirect (const byte port, const byte channel, const byte outa, const byte outb)
 HTPFComboDirect function.
char HTPFComboPWM (const byte port, const byte channel, const byte outa, const byte outb)
 HTPFComboPWM function.
char HTPFRawOutput (const byte port, const byte nibble0, const byte nibble1, const byte nibble2)
 HTPFRawOutput function.
char HTPFRepeat (const byte port, const byte count, const unsigned int delay)
 HTPFRepeat function.
char HTPFSingleOutputCST (const byte port, const byte channel, const byte out, const byte func)
 HTPFSingleOutputCST function.
char HTPFSingleOutputPWM (const byte port, const byte channel, const byte out, const byte func)
 HTPFSingleOutputPWM function.
char HTPFSinglePin (const byte port, const byte channel, const byte out, const byte pin, const byte func, bool cont)
 HTPFSinglePin function.
char HTPFTrain (const byte port, const byte channel, const byte func)
 HTPFTrain function.
void HTRCXSetIRLinkPort (const byte port)
 HTRCXSetIRLinkPort function.
int HTRCXBatteryLevel (void)
 HTRCXBatteryLevel function.
int HTRCXPoll (const byte src, const byte value)
 HTRCXPoll function Send the Poll command to an RCX to read a signed 2-byte value at the specified source and value combination.
int HTRCXPollMemory (const unsigned int address)
 HTRCXPollMemory function.
void HTRCXAddToDatalog (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTRCXAddToDatalog function.
void HTRCXClearAllEvents (void)
 HTRCXClearAllEvents function.
void HTRCXClearCounter (const byte counter)
 HTRCXClearCounter function.
void HTRCXClearMsg (void)
 HTRCXClearMsg function.
void HTRCXClearSensor (const byte port)
 HTRCXClearSensor function.
void HTRCXClearSound (void)
 HTRCXClearSound function.
void HTRCXClearTimer (const byte timer)
 HTRCXClearTimer function.
void HTRCXCreateDatalog (const unsigned int size)
 HTRCXCreateDatalog function.
void HTRCXDecCounter (const byte counter)
 HTRCXDecCounter function.
void HTRCXDeleteSub (const byte s)
 HTRCXDeleteSub function.
void HTRCXDeleteSubs (void)
 HTRCXDeleteSubs function.
void HTRCXDeleteTask (const byte t)
 HTRCXDeleteTask function.
void HTRCXDeleteTasks (void)
 HTRCXDeleteTasks function.
void HTRCXDisableOutput (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXDisableOutput function.
void HTRCXEnableOutput (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXEnableOutput function.
void HTRCXEvent (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTRCXEvent function.
void HTRCXFloat (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXFloat function.
void HTRCXFwd (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXFwd function.
void HTRCXIncCounter (const byte counter)
 HTRCXIncCounter function.
void HTRCXInvertOutput (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXInvertOutput function.
void HTRCXMuteSound (void)
 HTRCXMuteSound function.
void HTRCXObvertOutput (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXObvertOutput function.
void HTRCXOff (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXOff function.
void HTRCXOn (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXOn function.
void HTRCXOnFor (const byte outputs, const unsigned int ms)
 HTRCXOnFor function.
void HTRCXOnFwd (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXOnFwd function.
void HTRCXOnRev (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXOnRev function.
void HTRCXPBTurnOff (void)
 HTRCXPBTurnOff function.
void HTRCXPing (void)
 HTRCXPing function.
void HTRCXPlaySound (const byte snd)
 HTRCXPlaySound function.
void HTRCXPlayTone (const unsigned int freq, const byte duration)
 HTRCXPlayTone function.
void HTRCXPlayToneVar (const byte varnum, const byte duration)
 HTRCXPlayToneVar function.
void HTRCXRemote (unsigned int cmd)
 HTRCXRemote function.
void HTRCXRev (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXRev function.
void HTRCXSelectDisplay (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTRCXSelectDisplay function.
void HTRCXSelectProgram (const byte prog)
 HTRCXSelectProgram function.
void HTRCXSendSerial (const byte first, const byte count)
 HTRCXSendSerial function.
void HTRCXSetDirection (const byte outputs, const byte dir)
 HTRCXSetDirection function.
void HTRCXSetEvent (const byte evt, const byte src, const byte type)
 HTRCXSetEvent function.
void HTRCXSetGlobalDirection (const byte outputs, const byte dir)
 HTRCXSetGlobalDirection function.
void HTRCXSetGlobalOutput (const byte outputs, const byte mode)
 HTRCXSetGlobalOutput function.
void HTRCXSetMaxPower (const byte outputs, const byte pwrsrc, const byte pwrval)
 HTRCXSetMaxPower function.
void HTRCXSetMessage (const byte msg)
 HTRCXSetMessage function.
void HTRCXSetOutput (const byte outputs, const byte mode)
 HTRCXSetOutput function.
void HTRCXSetPower (const byte outputs, const byte pwrsrc, const byte pwrval)
 HTRCXSetPower function.
void HTRCXSetPriority (const byte p)
 HTRCXSetPriority function.
void HTRCXSetSensorMode (const byte port, const byte mode)
 HTRCXSetSensorMode function.
void HTRCXSetSensorType (const byte port, const byte type)
 HTRCXSetSensorType function.
void HTRCXSetSleepTime (const byte t)
 HTRCXSetSleepTime function.
void HTRCXSetTxPower (const byte pwr)
 HTRCXSetTxPower function.
void HTRCXSetWatch (const byte hours, const byte minutes)
 HTRCXSetWatch function.
void HTRCXStartTask (const byte t)
 HTRCXStartTask function.
void HTRCXStopAllTasks (void)
 HTRCXStopAllTasks function.
void HTRCXStopTask (const byte t)
 HTRCXStopTask function.
void HTRCXToggle (const byte outputs)
 HTRCXToggle function.
void HTRCXUnmuteSound (void)
 HTRCXUnmuteSound function.
void HTScoutCalibrateSensor (void)
 HTScoutCalibrateSensor function.
void HTScoutMuteSound (void)
 HTScoutMuteSound function.
void HTScoutSelectSounds (const byte grp)
 HTScoutSelectSounds function.
void HTScoutSendVLL (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTScoutSendVLL function.
void HTScoutSetEventFeedback (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTScoutSetEventFeedback function.
void HTScoutSetLight (const byte x)
 HTScoutSetLight function.
void HTScoutSetScoutMode (const byte mode)
 HTScoutSetScoutMode function.
void HTScoutSetSensorClickTime (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTScoutSetSensorClickTime function.
void HTScoutSetSensorHysteresis (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTScoutSetSensorHysteresis function.
void HTScoutSetSensorLowerLimit (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTScoutSetSensorLowerLimit function.
void HTScoutSetSensorUpperLimit (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 HTScoutSetSensorUpperLimit function.
void HTScoutUnmuteSound (void)
 HTScoutUnmuteSound function.
void SetSensorMSPressure (const byte &port)
 Configure a mindsensors pressure sensor.
void SetSensorMSDROD (const byte &port, bool bActive)
 Configure a mindsensors DROD sensor.
void SetSensorNXTSumoEyes (const byte &port, bool bLong)
 Configure a mindsensors SumoEyes sensor.
int SensorMSPressure (const byte &port)
 Read mindsensors pressure sensor.
char SensorNXTSumoEyes (const byte &port)
 Read mindsensors NXTSumoEyes obstacle zone.
int SensorMSCompass (const byte &port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read mindsensors compass value.
int SensorMSDROD (const byte &port)
 Read mindsensors DROD value.
int SensorNXTSumoEyesRaw (const byte &port)
 Read mindsensors NXTSumoEyes raw value.
int SensorMSPressureRaw (const byte &port)
 Read mindsensors raw pressure value.
bool ReadSensorMSAccel (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, int &x, int &y, int &z)
 Read mindsensors acceleration values.
bool ReadSensorMSPlayStation (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, byte &btnset1, byte &btnset2, byte &xleft, byte &yleft, byte &xright, byte &yright)
 Read mindsensors playstation controller values.
bool ReadSensorMSRTClock (const byte port, byte &sec, byte &min, byte &hrs, byte &dow, byte &date, byte &month, byte &year)
 Read mindsensors RTClock values.
bool ReadSensorMSTilt (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, byte &x, byte &y, byte &z)
 Read mindsensors tilt values.
bool PFMateSend (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &channel, const byte &motors, const byte &cmdA, const byte &spdA, const byte &cmdB, const byte &spdB)
 Send PFMate command.
bool PFMateSendRaw (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &channel, const byte &b1, const byte &b2)
 Send raw PFMate command.
int MSReadValue (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte reg, const byte numbytes)
 Read a mindsensors device value.
char MSEnergize (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Turn on power to device.
char MSDeenergize (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Turn off power to device.
char MSADPAOn (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Turn on mindsensors ADPA mode.
char MSADPAOff (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Turn off mindsensors ADPA mode.
char DISTNxGP2D12 (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure DISTNx as GP2D12.
char DISTNxGP2D120 (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure DISTNx as GP2D120.
char DISTNxGP2YA02 (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure DISTNx as GP2YA02.
char DISTNxGP2YA21 (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure DISTNx as GP2YA21.
int DISTNxDistance (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read DISTNx distance value.
int DISTNxMaxDistance (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read DISTNx maximum distance value.
int DISTNxMinDistance (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read DISTNx minimum distance value.
byte DISTNxModuleType (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read DISTNx module type value.
byte DISTNxNumPoints (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read DISTNx num points value.
int DISTNxVoltage (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read DISTNx voltage value.
char ACCLNxCalibrateX (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Calibrate ACCL-Nx X-axis.
char ACCLNxCalibrateXEnd (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Stop calibrating ACCL-Nx X-axis.
char ACCLNxCalibrateY (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Calibrate ACCL-Nx Y-axis.
char ACCLNxCalibrateYEnd (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Stop calibrating ACCL-Nx Y-axis.
char ACCLNxCalibrateZ (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Calibrate ACCL-Nx Z-axis.
char ACCLNxCalibrateZEnd (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Stop calibrating ACCL-Nx Z-axis.
char ACCLNxResetCalibration (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Reset ACCL-Nx calibration.
char SetACCLNxSensitivity (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, byte slevel)
 Set ACCL-Nx sensitivity.
byte ACCLNxSensitivity (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read ACCL-Nx sensitivity value.
int ACCLNxXOffset (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read ACCL-Nx X offset value.
int ACCLNxXRange (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read ACCL-Nx X range value.
int ACCLNxYOffset (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read ACCL-Nx Y offset value.
int ACCLNxYRange (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read ACCL-Nx Y range value.
int ACCLNxZOffset (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read ACCL-Nx Z offset value.
int ACCLNxZRange (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read ACCL-Nx Z range value.
char PSPNxDigital (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Configure PSPNx in digital mode.
char PSPNxAnalog (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Configure PSPNx in analog mode.
unsigned int NXTServoPosition (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte servo)
 Read NXTServo servo position value.
byte NXTServoSpeed (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte servo)
 Read NXTServo servo speed value.
byte NXTServoBatteryVoltage (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTServo battery voltage value.
char SetNXTServoSpeed (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte servo, const byte &speed)
 Set NXTServo servo motor speed.
char SetNXTServoQuickPosition (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte servo, const byte &qpos)
 Set NXTServo servo motor quick position.
char SetNXTServoPosition (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte servo, const byte &pos)
 Set NXTServo servo motor position.
char NXTServoReset (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Reset NXTServo properties.
char NXTServoHaltMacro (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Halt NXTServo macro.
char NXTServoResumeMacro (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Resume NXTServo macro.
char NXTServoPauseMacro (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Pause NXTServo macro.
char NXTServoInit (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte servo)
 Initialize NXTServo servo properties.
char NXTServoGotoMacroAddress (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &macro)
 Goto NXTServo macro address.
char NXTServoEditMacro (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Edit NXTServo macro.
char NXTServoQuitEdit (const byte &port)
 Quit NXTServo macro edit mode.
char NXTHIDAsciiMode (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Set NXTHID into ASCII data mode.
char NXTHIDDirectMode (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Set NXTHID into direct data mode.
char NXTHIDTransmit (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Transmit NXTHID character.
char NXTHIDLoadCharacter (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &modifier, const byte &character)
 Load NXTHID character.
char NXTPowerMeterResetCounters (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Reset NXTPowerMeter counters.
int NXTPowerMeterPresentCurrent (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter present current.
int NXTPowerMeterPresentVoltage (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter present voltage.
int NXTPowerMeterCapacityUsed (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter capacity used.
int NXTPowerMeterPresentPower (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter present power.
long NXTPowerMeterTotalPowerConsumed (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter total power consumed.
int NXTPowerMeterMaxCurrent (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter maximum current.
int NXTPowerMeterMinCurrent (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter minimum current.
int NXTPowerMeterMaxVoltage (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter maximum voltage.
int NXTPowerMeterMinVoltage (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter minimum voltage.
long NXTPowerMeterElapsedTime (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter elapsed time.
int NXTPowerMeterErrorCount (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTPowerMeter error count.
char NXTLineLeaderPowerDown (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Powerdown NXTLineLeader device.
char NXTLineLeaderPowerUp (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Powerup NXTLineLeader device.
char NXTLineLeaderInvert (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Invert NXTLineLeader colors.
char NXTLineLeaderReset (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Reset NXTLineLeader color inversion.
char NXTLineLeaderSnapshot (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Take NXTLineLeader line snapshot.
char NXTLineLeaderCalibrateWhite (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Calibrate NXTLineLeader white color.
char NXTLineLeaderCalibrateBlack (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Calibrate NXTLineLeader black color.
char NXTLineLeaderSteering (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTLineLeader steering.
char NXTLineLeaderAverage (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTLineLeader average.
byte NXTLineLeaderResult (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr)
 Read NXTLineLeader result.
char SetNXTLineLeaderSetpoint (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &value)
 Write NXTLineLeader setpoint.
char SetNXTLineLeaderKpValue (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &value)
 Write NXTLineLeader Kp value.
char SetNXTLineLeaderKiValue (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &value)
 Write NXTLineLeader Ki value.
char SetNXTLineLeaderKdValue (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &value)
 Write NXTLineLeader Kd value.
char SetNXTLineLeaderKpFactor (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &value)
 Write NXTLineLeader Kp factor.
char SetNXTLineLeaderKiFactor (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &value)
 Write NXTLineLeader Ki factor.
char SetNXTLineLeaderKdFactor (const byte &port, const byte &i2caddr, const byte &value)
 Write NXTLineLeader Kd factor.
char NRLink2400 (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure NRLink in 2400 baud mode.
char NRLink4800 (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure NRLink in 4800 baud mode.
char NRLinkFlush (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Flush NRLink buffers.
char NRLinkIRLong (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure NRLink in IR long mode.
char NRLinkIRShort (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure NRLink in IR short mode.
char NRLinkSetPF (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure NRLink in power function mode.
char NRLinkSetRCX (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure NRLink in RCX mode.
char NRLinkSetTrain (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure NRLink in IR train mode.
char NRLinkTxRaw (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Configure NRLink in raw IR transmit mode.
byte NRLinkStatus (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 Read NRLink status.
char RunNRLinkMacro (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte macro)
 Run NRLink macro.
char WriteNRLinkBytes (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte data[])
 Write data to NRLink.
bool ReadNRLinkBytes (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, byte &data[])
 Read data from NRLink.
char MSIRTrain (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte channel, const byte func)
 MSIRTrain function.
char MSPFComboDirect (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte channel, const byte outa, const byte outb)
 MSPFComboDirect function.
char MSPFComboPWM (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte channel, const byte outa, const byte outb)
 MSPFComboPWM function.
char MSPFRawOutput (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte nibble0, const byte nibble1, const byte nibble2)
 MSPFRawOutput function.
char MSPFRepeat (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte count, const unsigned int delay)
 MSPFRepeat function.
char MSPFSingleOutputCST (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte channel, const byte out, const byte func)
 MSPFSingleOutputCST function.
char MSPFSingleOutputPWM (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte channel, const byte out, const byte func)
 MSPFSingleOutputPWM function.
char MSPFSinglePin (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte channel, const byte out, const byte pin, const byte func, bool cont)
 MSPFSinglePin function.
char MSPFTrain (const byte port, const byte i2caddr, const byte channel, const byte func)
 MSPFTrain function.
void MSRCXSetNRLinkPort (const byte port, const byte i2caddr)
 MSRCXSetIRLinkPort function.
int MSRCXBatteryLevel (void)
 MSRCXBatteryLevel function.
int MSRCXPoll (const byte src, const byte value)
 MSRCXPoll function.
int MSRCXPollMemory (const unsigned int address)
 MSRCXPollMemory function.
void MSRCXAbsVar (const byte varnum, const byte byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXAbsVar function.
void MSRCXAddToDatalog (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXAddToDatalog function.
void MSRCXAndVar (const byte varnum, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXAndVar function.
void MSRCXBoot (void)
 MSRCXBoot function.
void MSRCXCalibrateEvent (const byte evt, const byte low, const byte hi, const byte hyst)
 MSRCXCalibrateEvent function.
void MSRCXClearAllEvents (void)
 MSRCXClearAllEvents function.
void MSRCXClearCounter (const byte counter)
 MSRCXClearCounter function.
void MSRCXClearMsg (void)
 MSRCXClearMsg function.
void MSRCXClearSensor (const byte port)
 MSRCXClearSensor function.
void MSRCXClearSound (void)
 MSRCXClearSound function.
void MSRCXClearTimer (const byte timer)
 MSRCXClearTimer function.
void MSRCXCreateDatalog (const unsigned int size)
 MSRCXCreateDatalog function.
void MSRCXDecCounter (const byte counter)
 MSRCXDecCounter function.
void MSRCXDeleteSub (const byte s)
 MSRCXDeleteSub function.
void MSRCXDeleteSubs (void)
 MSRCXDeleteSubs function.
void MSRCXDeleteTask (const byte t)
 MSRCXDeleteTask function.
void MSRCXDeleteTasks (void)
 MSRCXDeleteTasks function.
void MSRCXDisableOutput (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXDisableOutput function.
void MSRCXDivVar (const byte varnum, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXDivVar function.
void MSRCXEnableOutput (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXEnableOutput function.
void MSRCXEvent (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXEvent function.
void MSRCXFloat (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXFloat function.
void MSRCXFwd (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXFwd function.
void MSRCXIncCounter (const byte counter)
 MSRCXIncCounter function.
void MSRCXInvertOutput (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXInvertOutput function.
void MSRCXMulVar (const byte varnum, const byte src, unsigned int value)
 MSRCXMulVar function.
void MSRCXMuteSound (void)
 MSRCXMuteSound function.
void MSRCXObvertOutput (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXObvertOutput function.
void MSRCXOff (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXOff function.
void MSRCXOn (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXOn function.
void MSRCXOnFor (const byte outputs, const unsigned int ms)
 MSRCXOnFor function.
void MSRCXOnFwd (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXOnFwd function.
void MSRCXOnRev (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXOnRev function.
void MSRCXOrVar (const byte varnum, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXOrVar function.
void MSRCXPBTurnOff (void)
 MSRCXPBTurnOff function.
void MSRCXPing (void)
 MSRCXPing function.
void MSRCXPlaySound (const byte snd)
 MSRCXPlaySound function.
void MSRCXPlayTone (const unsigned int freq, const byte duration)
 MSRCXPlayTone function.
void MSRCXPlayToneVar (const byte varnum, const byte duration)
 MSRCXPlayToneVar function.
void MSRCXRemote (unsigned int cmd)
 MSRCXRemote function.
void MSRCXReset (void)
 MSRCXReset function.
void MSRCXRev (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXRev function.
void MSRCXSelectDisplay (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXSelectDisplay function.
void MSRCXSelectProgram (const byte prog)
 MSRCXSelectProgram function.
void MSRCXSendSerial (const byte first, const byte count)
 MSRCXSendSerial function.
void MSRCXSet (const byte dstsrc, const byte dstval, const byte src, unsigned int value)
 MSRCXSet function.
void MSRCXSetDirection (const byte outputs, const byte dir)
 MSRCXSetDirection function.
void MSRCXSetEvent (const byte evt, const byte src, const byte type)
 MSRCXSetEvent function.
void MSRCXSetGlobalDirection (const byte outputs, const byte dir)
 MSRCXSetGlobalDirection function.
void MSRCXSetGlobalOutput (const byte outputs, const byte mode)
 MSRCXSetGlobalOutput function.
void MSRCXSetMaxPower (const byte outputs, const byte pwrsrc, const byte pwrval)
 MSRCXSetMaxPower function.
void MSRCXSetMessage (const byte msg)
 MSRCXSetMessage function.
void MSRCXSetOutput (const byte outputs, const byte mode)
 MSRCXSetOutput function.
void MSRCXSetPower (const byte outputs, const byte pwrsrc, const byte pwrval)
 MSRCXSetPower function.
void MSRCXSetPriority (const byte p)
 MSRCXSetPriority function.
void MSRCXSetSensorMode (const byte port, const byte mode)
 MSRCXSetSensorMode function.
void MSRCXSetSensorType (const byte port, const byte type)
 MSRCXSetSensorType function.
void MSRCXSetSleepTime (const byte t)
 MSRCXSetSleepTime function.
void MSRCXSetTxPower (const byte pwr)
 MSRCXSetTxPower function.
void MSRCXSetUserDisplay (const byte src, const unsigned int value, const byte precision)
 MSRCXSetUserDisplay function.
void MSRCXSetVar (const byte varnum, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXSetVar function.
void MSRCXSetWatch (const byte hours, const byte minutes)
 MSRCXSetWatch function.
void MSRCXSgnVar (const byte varnum, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXSgnVar function.
void MSRCXStartTask (const byte t)
 MSRCXStartTask function.
void MSRCXStopAllTasks (void)
 MSRCXStopAllTasks function.
void MSRCXStopTask (const byte t)
 MSRCXStopTask function.
void MSRCXSubVar (const byte varnum, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXSubVar function.
void MSRCXSumVar (const byte varnum, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSRCXSumVar function.
void MSRCXToggle (const byte outputs)
 MSRCXToggle function.
void MSRCXUnlock (void)
 MSRCXUnlock function.
void MSRCXUnmuteSound (void)
 MSRCXUnmuteSound function.
void MSScoutCalibrateSensor (void)
 MSScoutCalibrateSensor function.
void MSScoutMuteSound (void)
 MSScoutMuteSound function.
void MSScoutSelectSounds (const byte grp)
 MSScoutSelectSounds function.
void MSScoutSendVLL (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSScoutSendVLL function.
void MSScoutSetCounterLimit (const byte ctr, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSScoutSetCounterLimit function.
void MSScoutSetEventFeedback (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSScoutSetEventFeedback function.
void MSScoutSetLight (const byte x)
 MSScoutSetLight function.
void MSScoutSetScoutMode (const byte mode)
 MSScoutSetScoutMode function.
void MSScoutSetScoutRules (const byte m, const byte t, const byte l, const byte tm, const byte fx)
 MSScoutSetScoutRules function.
void MSScoutSetSensorClickTime (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSScoutSetSensorClickTime function.
void MSScoutSetSensorHysteresis (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSScoutSetSensorHysteresis function.
void MSScoutSetSensorLowerLimit (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSScoutSetSensorLowerLimit function.
void MSScoutSetSensorUpperLimit (const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSScoutSetSensorUpperLimit function.
void MSScoutSetTimerLimit (const byte tmr, const byte src, const unsigned int value)
 MSScoutSetTimerLimit function.
void MSScoutUnmuteSound (void)
 MSScoutUnmuteSound function.
bool RFIDInit (const byte &port)
 RFIDInit function.
bool RFIDMode (const byte &port, const byte &mode)
 RFIDMode function.
byte RFIDStatus (const byte &port)
 RFIDStatus function.
bool RFIDRead (const byte &port, byte &output[])
 RFIDRead function.
bool RFIDStop (const byte &port)
 RFIDStop function.
bool RFIDReadSingle (const byte &port, byte &output[])
 RFIDReadSingle function.
bool RFIDReadContinuous (const byte &port, byte &output[])
 RFIDReadContinuous function.
bool SensorDIGPSStatus (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSStatus function.
long SensorDIGPSTime (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSTime function.
long SensorDIGPSLatitude (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSLatitude function.
long SensorDIGPSLongitude (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSLongitude function.
long SensorDIGPSVelocity (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSVelocity function.
int SensorDIGPSHeading (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSHeading function.
long SensorDIGPSDistanceToWaypoint (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSDistanceToWaypoint function.
int SensorDIGPSHeadingToWaypoint (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSHeadingToWaypoint function.
int SensorDIGPSRelativeHeading (byte port)
 SensorDIGPSRelativeHeading function.
bool SetSensorDIGPSWaypoint (byte port, long latitude, long longitude)
 SetSensorDIGPSWaypoint function.
bool SetSensorDIGyroEx (const byte port, byte scale, byte odr, byte bw)
 SetSensorDIGyroEx function.
bool SetSensorDIGyro (const byte port)
 SetSensorDIGyro function.
bool ReadSensorDIGyroRaw (const byte port, VectorType &vector)
 ReadSensorDIGyroRaw function.
bool ReadSensorDIGyro (const byte port, VectorType &vector)
 ReadSensorDIGyro function.
int SensorDIGyroTemperature (const byte port)
 SensorDIGyroTemperature function.
byte SensorDIGyroStatus (const byte port)
 SensorDIGyroStatus function.
bool SetSensorDIAcclEx (const byte port, byte mode)
 SetSensorDIAcclEx function.
bool SetSensorDIAccl (const byte port)
 SetSensorDIAccl function.
bool ReadSensorDIAcclRaw (const byte port, VectorType &vector)
 ReadSensorDIAcclRaw function.
bool ReadSensorDIAccl (const byte port, VectorType &vector)
 ReadSensorDIAccl function.
bool ReadSensorDIAccl8Raw (const byte port, VectorType &vector)
 ReadSensorDIAccl8Raw function.
bool ReadSensorDIAccl8 (const byte port, VectorType &vector)
 ReadSensorDIAccl8 function.
byte SensorDIAcclStatus (const byte port)
 SensorDIAcclStatus function.
bool ReadSensorDIAcclDrift (const byte port, int &x, int &y, int &z)
 ReadSensorDIAcclDrift function.
bool SetSensorDIAcclDrift (const byte port, int x, int y, int z)
 SetSensorDIAcclDrift function.
bool ResetMIXG1300L (byte port)
 ResetMIXG1300L function.
int SensorMIXG1300LScale (byte port)
 SensorMIXG1300LScale function.
bool SetSensorMIXG1300LScale (byte port, const byte scale)
 SetSensorMIXG1300LScale function.
bool ReadSensorMIXG1300L (byte port, XGPacketType &packet)
 ReadSensorMIXG1300L function.
float sqrt (float x)
 Compute square root.
float cos (float x)
 Compute cosine.
float sin (float x)
 Compute sine.
float tan (float x)
 Compute tangent.
float acos (float x)
 Compute arc cosine.
float asin (float x)
 Compute arc sine.
float atan (float x)
 Compute arc tangent.
float atan2 (float y, float x)
 Compute arc tangent with 2 parameters.
float cosh (float x)
 Compute hyperbolic cosine.
float sinh (float x)
 Compute hyperbolic sine.
float tanh (float x)
 Compute hyperbolic tangent.
float exp (float x)
 Compute exponential function.
float log (float x)
 Compute natural logarithm.
float log10 (float x)
 Compute common logarithm.
long trunc (float x)
 Compute integral part.
float frac (float x)
 Compute fractional part.
float pow (float base, float exponent)
 Raise to power.
float ceil (float x)
 Round up value.
float floor (float x)
 Round down value.
long muldiv32 (long a, long b, long c)
 Multiply and divide.
float cosd (float x)
 Compute cosine (degrees).
float sind (float x)
 Compute sine (degrees).
float tand (float x)
 Compute tangent (degrees).
float acosd (float x)
 Compute arc cosine (degrees).
float asind (float x)
 Compute arc sine (degrees).
float atand (float x)
 Compute arc tangent (degrees).
float atan2d (float y, float x)
 Compute arc tangent with 2 parameters (degrees).
float coshd (float x)
 Compute hyperbolic cosine (degrees).
float sinhd (float x)
 Compute hyperbolic sine (degrees).
float tanhd (float x)
 Compute hyperbolic tangent (degrees).
byte bcd2dec (byte bcd)
 Convert from BCD to decimal Return the decimal equivalent of the binary coded decimal value provided.
bool isNAN (float value)
 Is the value NaN.
char sign (variant num)
 Sign value.
void VectorCross (VectorType a, VectorType b, VectorType &out)
 VectorCross function.
float VectorDot (VectorType a, VectorType b)
 VectorDot function.
void VectorNormalize (VectorType &a)
 VectorNormalize function.
int fclose (byte handle)
 Close file.
int remove (string filename)
 Remove file.
int rename (string old, string new)
 Rename file.
char fgetc (byte handle)
 Get character from file.
string fgets (string &str, int num, byte handle)
 Get string from file.
int feof (byte handle)
 Check End-of-file indicator.
void set_fopen_size (unsigned long fsize)
 Set the default fopen file size.
byte fopen (string filename, const string mode)
 Open file.
int fflush (byte handle)
 Flush file.
unsigned long ftell (byte handle)
 Get current position in file.
char fputc (char ch, byte handle)
 Write character to file.
int fputs (string str, byte handle)
 Write string to file.
int getchar ()
 Get character from stdin.
void printf (string format, variant value)
 Print formatted data to stdout.
void fprintf (byte handle, string format, variant value)
 Write formatted data to file.
void sprintf (string &str, string format, variant value)
 Write formatted data to string.
int fseek (byte handle, long offset, int origin)
 Reposition file position indicator.
void rewind (byte handle)
 Set position indicator to the beginning.
void abort ()
 Abort current process.
variant abs (variant num)
 Absolute value.
long srand (long seed)
 Seed the random number generator.
unsigned long rand ()
 Generate random number.
int Random (unsigned int n=0)
 Generate random number.
void SysRandomNumber (RandomNumberType &args)
 Draw a random number.
void SysRandomEx (RandomExType &args)
 Call the enhanced random number function.
int atoi (const string &str)
 Convert string to integer.
long atol (const string &str)
 Convert string to long integer.
long labs (long n)
 Absolute value.
float atof (const string &str)
 Convert string to float.
float strtod (const string &str, string &endptr)
 Convert string to float.
long strtol (const string &str, string &endptr, int base=10)
 Convert string to long integer.
long strtoul (const string &str, string &endptr, int base=10)
 Convert string to unsigned long integer.
div_t div (int numer, int denom)
 Integral division.
ldiv_t ldiv (long numer, long denom)
 Integral division.
variant StrToNum (string str)
 Convert string to number.
unsigned int StrLen (string str)
 Get string length.
byte StrIndex (string str, unsigned int idx)
 Extract a character from a string.
string NumToStr (variant num)
 Convert number to string.
string StrCat (string str1, string str2, string strN)
 Concatenate strings.
string SubStr (string str, unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Extract a portion of a string.
string Flatten (variant num)
 Flatten a number to a string.
string StrReplace (string str, unsigned int idx, string strnew)
 Replace a portion of a string.
string FormatNum (string fmt, variant num)
 Format a number.
string FormatVal (string fmt, variant val)
 Format a value.
string FlattenVar (variant x)
 Flatten any data to a string.
int UnflattenVar (string str, variant &x)
 Unflatten a string into a data type.
int Pos (string Substr, string S)
 Find substring position.
string ByteArrayToStr (byte data[])
 Convert a byte array to a string.
void ByteArrayToStrEx (byte data[], string &str)
 Convert a byte array to a string.
void StrToByteArray (string str, byte &data[])
 Convert a string to a byte array.
string Copy (string str, unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Copy a portion of a string.
string MidStr (string str, unsigned int idx, unsigned int len)
 Copy a portion from the middle of a string.
string RightStr (string str, unsigned int size)
 Copy a portion from the end of a string.
string LeftStr (string str, unsigned int size)
 Copy a portion from the start of a string.
int strlen (const string &str)
 Get string length.
string strcat (string &dest, const string &src)
 Concatenate strings.
string strncat (string &dest, const string &src, unsigned int num)
 Append characters from string.
string strcpy (string &dest, const string &src)
 Copy string.
string strncpy (string &dest, const string &src, unsigned int num)
 Copy characters from string.
int strcmp (const string &str1, const string &str2)
 Compare two strings.
int strncmp (const string &str1, const string &str2, unsigned int num)
 Compare characters of two strings.
void memcpy (variant dest, variant src, byte num)
 Copy memory.
void memmove (variant dest, variant src, byte num)
 Move memory.
char memcmp (variant ptr1, variant ptr2, byte num)
 Compare two blocks of memory.
unsigned long addressOf (variant data)
 Get the absolute address of a variable.
unsigned long reladdressOf (variant data)
 Get the relative address of a variable.
unsigned long addressOfEx (variant data, bool relative)
 Get the absolute or relative address of a variable.
int isupper (int c)
 Check if character is uppercase letter.
int islower (int c)
 Check if character is lowercase letter.
int isalpha (int c)
 Check if character is alphabetic.
int isdigit (int c)
 Check if character is decimal digit.
int isalnum (int c)
 Check if character is alphanumeric.
int isspace (int c)
 Check if character is a white-space.
int iscntrl (int c)
 Check if character is a control character.
int isprint (int c)
 Check if character is printable.
int isgraph (int c)
 Check if character has graphical representation.
int ispunct (int c)
 Check if character is a punctuation.
int isxdigit (int c)
 Check if character is hexadecimal digit.
int toupper (int c)
 Convert lowercase letter to uppercase.
int tolower (int c)
 Convert uppercase letter to lowercase.
void glInit ()
 Initialize graphics library.
void glSet (int glType, int glValue)
 Set graphics library options.
int glBeginObject ()
 Begin defining an object.
void glEndObject ()
 Stop defining an object.
void glObjectAction (int glObjectId, int glAction, int glValue)
 Perform an object action.
void glAddVertex (int glX, int glY, int glZ)
 Add a vertex to an object.
void glBegin (int glBeginMode)
 Begin a new polygon for the current object.
void glEnd ()
 Finish a polygon for the current object.
void glBeginRender ()
 Begin a new render.
void glCallObject (int glObjectId)
 Call a graphic object.
void glFinishRender ()
 Finish the current render.
void glSetAngleX (int glValue)
 Set the X axis angle.
void glAddToAngleX (int glValue)
 Add to the X axis angle.
void glSetAngleY (int glValue)
 Set the Y axis angle.
void glAddToAngleY (int glValue)
 Add to the Y axis angle.
void glSetAngleZ (int glValue)
 Set the Z axis angle.
void glAddToAngleZ (int glValue)
 Add to the Z axis angle.
int glSin32768 (int glAngle)
 Table-based sine scaled by 32768.
int glCos32768 (int glAngle)
 Table-based cosine scaled by 32768.
int glBox (int glMode, int glSizeX, int glSizeY, int glSizeZ)
 Create a 3D box.
int glCube (int glMode, int glSize)
 Create a 3D cube.
int glPyramid (int glMode, int glSizeX, int glSizeY, int glSizeZ)
 Create a 3D pyramid.
void PosRegEnable (byte output, byte p=PID_3, byte i=PID_1, byte d=PID_1)
 Enable absolute position regulation with PID factors.
void PosRegSetAngle (byte output, long angle)
 Change the current value for set angle.
void PosRegAddAngle (byte output, long angle_add)
 Add to the current value for set angle.
void PosRegSetMax (byte output, byte max_speed, byte max_acceleration)
 Set maximum limits.


unsigned long __fopen_default_size = 1024

Detailed Description

Constants, macros, and API functions for NXC.

NXCDefs.h contains declarations for the NXC NXT API resources


The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/

Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.

The Initial Developer of this code is John Hansen. Portions created by John Hansen are Copyright (C) 2009-2012 John Hansen. All Rights Reserved.

John Hansen (bricxcc_at_comcast.net)